Anthony Devlin

Anthony Devlin

Anthony is from Birmingham, England and completed his BSc in biochemistry and human biology at Keele University in 2016. Anthony started his PhD at Keele with Dr Mark Skidmore in 2016, where he has worked on expanding FTIR as a tool for glycosaminoglycan research through the use of chemometric analyses. During his PhD, Anthony has undertaken work in two collaborating laboratories: the Istituto G. Ronzoni in Milan and the Kampus Kesihatan in USM, Malaysia where he developed chemometric techniques to ascertain the quality of pharmaceutical heparin and its crude precursors and then also applied machine learning and trained techniques to the same issues. As he nears the end of his PhD, Anthony has worked on novel modifications of carbohydrates for pharmaceutical purposes, extraction, identification and bioactivity screening of algal polysaccharides and also supported conservational projects, including the clean-up of toxic waste-water and the re-planting of seagrass populations in the British channel.