BMJ Specialty: Rehabilitation medicine
CIRRIE database of international rehabilitation research - 26,500 citations from international (non-USA) research in the field of rehabilitation dating back to 1990
eMedicine Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
National Rehabilitation Information Centre - US-based, disability and rehabilitation database, containing over 65,000 abstracts
PEDro - physiotherapy evidence database. Provides bibliographic citations and abstracts of randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews in the area of physiotherapy.
Physiopedia - a freely available wikipedia-type resource for physiotherapists; go to the resources page and browse the content to check what is indexed on the website.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy - the professional, educational and trade union body for the UK's chartered physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and assistants. contains a mixture of professional and patient information covering: guidance, jobs and careers, news and a publications library.