Keele staff and students training

Learn more about the sessions available and book your slot by clicking on the options below.

For the latest information about training courses and dates, send a request to library.healthlibrarytrainers@keele.ac.uk to join our email bulletin.

1 to 1 Training

The training team are offering personalised 1-to-1 training sessions. Please be prepared to discuss your project requirements and any searching you have already completed. Book a session here.

Group Literature Searching Training

Book on a group session to learn more about how to complete a literature search. Sessions are available online or face-to-face.

Keele Nursing Literature Searching (Online)

Part1: you will learn to access several databases for your literature search, combine searches using boolean AND/OR operators​, limit search results to a more manageable number​, save articles in a folder and save and rerun your search strategy at a later date .

  • Wednesday 4th December 10:30-11.30 (Part 1) Book 
  • Thursday 12th December 16.00-17.00 (Part 1) Book 
  • Thursday 30th January 16.00-17.00 (Part 1) Book

Part 2: you will learn to search databases using keywords and thesaurus terms​, be aware of thesaurus functions subheadings, major concept and explode and adjacency commands, use thesaurus headings to expand your list of search terms​, assess your search results​, save articles in a folder and save your search strategy.

  • Monday 9th December 16.00-17.00 (Part2) Book  
  • Thursday 16th January 1600-17.00 (Part 2) Book 

Keele Nursing Literature Searching (face-to-face)

Training session is delivered in the training room at the Health Library (CEC). In this session you will learn to access several databases for your literature search, combine searches using boolean AND/OR operators​, limit search results to a more manageable number​, save articles in a folder and save and rerun your search strategy at a later date .

  • Wednesday 11th December 11.00-12.00 and 12.00-13.00  
  • Thursday 19th December 16.00-17.00 
  • Wednesday 19th February 11.00-12.00 and 12.00-13.00

Places are limited.  Please confirm your booking slot preference by emailing: library.healthlibrarytrainers@keele.ac.uk 

Keele Nursing Drop-in Session (Online)

Log in to talk to our librarians about your search question.

Searching Ovid Medline (Online)

By the end of the session you should be able to plan your search using keywords and thesaurus terms in a healthcare database​, combine search words using AND/OR boolean operators​, limit your search results and save and rerun your search history. This session is aimed at Phd students within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences working on NHS-based research, who have their NHS OpenAthens username/password.

  • Wednesday 12th February 13:00-14:00 Book

Training SWAYs and videos

Students who attend class-booked library training sessions can access complementary online presentations (SWAYs / Videos). Watch these sways / videos for a reminder of the search demonstrations you have seen in your library training sessions.

Please contact the training team for any up-to-date sway of a training session you have attended.

In a nutshell courses

Campus Library are delivering a range of short, bitesize training workshops. Sessions are available online or face-to-face. Sessions include:

  • Finding journal articles for your assignments
  • Evaluating your search results
  • Managing your references
  • Referencing with Cite them Right
  • Searching healthcare databases

Please check for the sessions available on the Campus website.

Dissertation Workshops

Nursing students are invited to attend the dissertation workshops provided by the library training team. These will help you to prepare for your dissertation. You can also complete a number of online etutorials to help you to develop the search strategy for your literature search. In particular please complete the following:

You can find all our online tutorials in our Information Skills eTutorials section.

Class Bookings

Academics can discuss with the training team the needs of their class in order for us to deliver a timely and relevant training session; whether it be a Health Library induction, an introduction to library resources or a literature searching session. Training can be delivered remotely online or in class. Please contact the training team at the earliest opportunity in order to discuss and book your class session.