Sonic Shinings, music for instruments and electroacoustic music, a Solo Album released by the Composers Association of Macedonia (SOCOM), a member of the European Conference of Promoters of New Music (ECPNM), under the Grant by the Ministry of Culture of Rep of N. Macedonia (2019);
Attractors Library (v.3.0, 2020), MaxMSP Externals; Chaotic attractors for non-linear realtime mapping published under the GNU – GPL at Cycling 74’
Idiosyncrasies for contrabass clarinet and electronics (2019)
Composed under the Research Strategy Fund Grants from Keele University. It was premiered at the 3rd International Conference and Festival for Sensor Augmented Bass clarinet Research SABRE, ZHdK (Zurich University of the Arts) – Konzertsaal, Zürich.
Released on Into the Depths – Music for contrabass clarinet, CD & Digital distribution (iTunes): Cuillin Sound, 2020.;
Dolce Armonia for bass clarinet and piano (2019). Commissioned by SKAW Duo Premiere: Rarescale with Antony Clare Concert, Sarah Watts (contrabass clarinet), Antony Clare (piano); ArtsKeele & Composers’ Fund PRS Foundation; Keele University Chapel, 7 June 2019;
Enactionsfor bass clarinet and live electronics(2016)
Premiere: Sarah Watts (bass clarinet) and M. Spasov (electronics)
6th International Symposium on Music and Sonic Arts: Practices and Theories, Hall of the Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikinformatik (IMWI), Karlsruhe , Germany.
Spasov, M. 2015. Using Strange Attractors to Control Sound Processing in Live Electroacoustic Composition. Computer Music Journal. MIT Press. Autumn 2015, Vol 39, No. 3;
Spasov, M. 2015. Mi Cantare for bass clarinet (score). Metropolis Music Publishers, Brussels, Belgium. ISMN 9790365069293,
Spasov, M. 2015. Using Strange Attractors to Control Sound Processing in Live Electroacoustic Composition. Computer Music Journal. MIT Press. Autumn 2015, Vol 39, No. 3
Spasov, M. 2011. Music Composition as an Act of Cognition: ENACTIV – Interactive Multimodal Composing System(Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press. 16/1, April 2011. pp.69-86.)
Spasov, M. 2011. Originality and Uniqueness of Artistic Research and Findings. Symposium Proceedings – Volume 2. 23rd International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, Germany. The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics (IIAS) Canada. ISBN 978-1-897233-25-2. pp.75-80.
Spasov, M. 2010. Creative Mapping – Strange Attractors and ENACTIV. Symposium Proceedings – Volume 1. 22nd International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, Germany. The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics (IIAS) Canada. ISBN 978-1-897233-80-1. pp.92-97.
All his music scores are available for loan from the CMC (Canadian Music Centre)
Mi Cantarefor bass clarinet (2015) (score). Metropolis Music Publishers, Brussels, Belgium. ISMN 9790365069293, , September 2015.
SPASOV, M. (2009 v1.0; 2010 v2.0; 2020 v.3.0): ATTRACTORS LIBRARY (MaxMSP Externals) for non-linear realtime mapping published under the GNU – GPL at Cycling 74’
SPASOV, M. (July 1st, 2009 v01; 2010 v1.0; 2011 v2.0, 2015 v3.0): ENACTIV – Interactive Multimodal Composition System, published under the GNU – GPL at Cycling’ 74’
Electroacoustic Compositions
Idiosyncrasies for contrabass clarinet and electronics (2018)
Premiere: Sarah Watts (contrabass clarinet) and Miroslav Spasov (electronics). 3rd International Conference and Festival for Sensor Augmented Bass clarinet Research, ZHdK (Zurich University of the Arts) – Konzertsaal, SABRE Concerts, Zürich, Switzerland, 2 February 2019.
Enactions for bass clarinet and live electronics(2016)
Premiere: Sarah Watts (bass clarinet) and M. Spasov (electronics)
6th International Symposium on Music and Sonic Arts: Practices and Theories, Hall of the Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikinformatik (IMWI), Karlsruhe , Germany (MuSA, 1 July 2016)
Sabda Vidya No.2 for flute, tenor sax and live electronics (2014)
(Katerina Bacevska, (flute) Ninoslav Dimov tenor saxophone)
Premiere: Imperial Hall, Macedonian Opera and Ballet, 5 April 2014
Strange Attractions for flute, clarinet, horn and live electronics 2012
Premiere: Ankara Woodwind Quintet (Turkey)
Festival Days of Macedonian Music 2012, 30 March 2012, Skopje City Museum, Skopje, R of Macedonia
This is me! - impro-mono-drama for voice and live electronics (2011)
(Software for performance: ENACTIV – Interactive Multimodal Composition System)
Premiere: International Symposium on Music and Sonic Arts (MuSA), 2 August 2010, Baden-Baden, Germany
Embodimentsfor bass clarinet and multi-channel live electronics (2008) (20’). Grant from Canada Council for the Arts for Individual Musicians 2007-2008. Premiere: Sarah Watts, bass clarinet, M. Spasov, electronics, 22 October 2008, Lindsay Hall, Keele University
Etudes for Listeners for piano and multi-channel live electronics (2006) (15’)Premiere: Michael Bell (piano), 19 October 2006, Lindsay Studio, Keele, UK
Aphorisms for fixed audio media (2006)
The Best of All Worlds (2004-2006) for computer-generated (stereo and multi-channel/8.1) audio media (based upon extracts from Voltaire's philosophical novel The Candide or Optimism , from1759) 2004-2006 (37’). (Grant from Canada Council for the Arts for Individual Musicians 2004)
Metaanthropos/Evolutio 1 for flute and electronics (1998). Bernard Blery (flute), Rosza Centre, University of Calgary, April 25, 1999 (Canadian premiere) 1st prize, Second International Computer Music Competition Pierre Schaeffer in Pescara, Italy, 1999
Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra (2017)
Danzacalle for orchestra (2015)
Premiere: Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra; Zsolt Nagy (conductor)
Days of New Music Festival, (DMM, 2015)
Macedonian Philharmonic Hall, 9 April 2015. The performance is funded by the Macedonian Association of Composers (SOCOM, 2015). (3rd Prize at the ‘Concours for New Music Compositions’ organised by the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia in 2014-2015.
"… à gauche, à droite, en haut …” for orchestra (2000-2001)
Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra, M. Spasov (conductor), Ostrava New Music Days Festival 2001, Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra Hall - Ostrava, Czech Republic, August 29, 2001. (Honourable Mention, (Mention spéciale), 10e Concours international de composition musicale de Besancon, France, September 2000)
Metaanthropos/Evolutio 2 for Chamber Orchestra, Regina Symphony Orchestra, Victor Sawa, (conductor), Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts in Regina, March 20, 2003 (Canadian Music Centre and SOCAN, Canada)
Areas for string orchestra (10’) 1997
Macedonian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Le Fi Fi (conductor), Festival Days of Macedonian Music, Skopje, Macedonia (March 1998)
Accents I and II for string orchestra
Chamber Orchestra of the Macedonian Radio Television (MRT), Angel Surev (conductor) MRT concert hall, April 26, 1994
Echos for twelve-part mixed choir (SATB) a cappella (8’) 2010, Premiere: New London Chamber Choir, James Weeks (conductor) Festival Days of Macedonian Music (31 March 2010) (broadcasted Macedonian Radio Television - MRT) and released on CD: Days of Macedonian Music 2010, SOKOM (; New London Chamber Choir, Clemens Power (conductor), Wiltons Music Hall, London, 10 March 2013.
Dolce Armonia for bass clarinet and piano (2019). Commissioned by SKAW Duo Premiere: Rarescale with Antony Clare Concert, Sarah Watts (contrabass clarinet), Antony Clare (piano); ArtsKeele & Composers’ Fund PRS Foundation; Keele University Chapel, 7 June 2019;
Concerto for Percussion for five percussion players (2014)
(Conductor Bernhard Wolfe, Freiburg Percussions Ensemble, Imperial Hall,
Macedonian Opera and Ballet 7 April 2014)
Vesna Ayamafor string Quartet (2013)
Commissioned by Kreutzer Quartet, London
Premiere: Kreutzer Quartet, Westminster Theatre, Keele University, 20 November 2013
Mi Cantare! for bass clarinet, 2013, Thomas Schon (Reconsil Ensemble Vienna) Austrian Society for Contemporary Music, Vienna, Austria, Minifestival Österreich-Mazedonien, 7 June 2013
So Dance for two violins, International Festival of Song and Chamber Music Society, Canada and USA, János Négyesy and Päivikki Nykter, (violins), University of California at San Diego, March 2004
Voyage for violin, cello, and percussion, Land’s End Chamber Ensemble, M. Spasov (conductor), Rosza Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary, October 26, 2001
Dream for voices and chamber ensemble (1998), Marija Muratovska (soprano), Svetlana Donkovska (soprano), Le Fi Fi (conductor), Chamber Orchestra of the Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra, Daysof Macedonian Music, Concert hall of the Macedonian Radio Television, April 25, 2001, Received ‘Pance Pesev’ for the best composition performed at the Days of Macedonian Music Festival in 2000 by the Society of Macedonian Composers (SOCOM)
Variations for violin and piano (1997)
Leonid Peisahov (violin), Nadezda Pozarickaya (piano), International Ohrid Summer Festival, 1997
Wind Quintet for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon (1997)
Skopje Wind Quintet, Days of Macedonian Music, Skopje, Concert hall of the Macedonian Radio Television, October 23, 1996
Quartz Figures for violin, bassoon and guitar (1994)
Martin Panteleev (violin), Svetoslav Pancev (bassoon), Emile Saev (guitar), Music and Earth International Competition for Composers and Performers, Museum of Minerals, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 22, 1995
Quintet for violin, clarinet, double bass, piano, and synthesizer (1991)
Sanja Suplevska (violin), Zoran Kuzmanovski (clarinet), Aleksandar Pop-Hristov (double bass), Jovica Karovski (piano), M. Spasov (synthesizer), Daysof Macedonian Music, Concert hall of the Macedonian Radio Television, October 30, 1991
Two Moments for violin and piano (1992)
Sanja Suplevska (violin), Elizabeta Micevska (piano), Music and Earth International Competition for Composers and Performers, Museum of Minerals, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 21, 1993
Trio Sonata for violin, viola and piano (1988)
Sanja Suplevska (violin), Blerim Grubi (viola), Valeri Stefanovski (piano), Days of Macedonian Music, Concert hall of the Macedonian Radio Television, October 21, 1990
Variations for Piano (1998)
Kristina Angelovska, International Ohrid Summer Festival, Ohrid, July 25, 1988
Intermezzo for flute and piano (1986)
Nikola Atanasov (flute), Jasminka Cakar (piano), Days of Macedonian Music, Skopje, Concert hall of the Macedonian Radio Television, October 1986
Suite for Piano (1985)
Gorjan Korunovski, Macedonian Cultural Centre, Skopje, April 12, 1986
Just a Joke for symphonic band (1998)
Symphonic Band of the University of Calgary, Jeremy Brown (conductor), Rosza Centre, University of Calgary, April 8, 1999
Miroslav Spasov: Sonic Shinings (solo album 2019)
(Music for instruments and electroacoustic music released by Composers Association of Macedonia (SOCOM), a member of the European Conference of Promoters of New Music (ECPNM), January 2019.
Embodiments for bass clarinet and live electronics, (Composed under the Canada Arts Council Grant for Individual Musicians, 2008) 50 Years of Creativity at Keele University: eMBODYments – Music for Bass Clarinet and Electronics, Sarah Watts, Bass Clarinet, CRC: 3265 Centaur Records, Inc.
Echos for twelve-part mixed choir (SATB) a cappella (8’): Days of Macedonian Music 2010, SOKOM (
Metaanthropos / Evoutio 1 for flute and electronics, CD: II and III International Computer Music Competition Pierre Schaeffer, Italy, 2002 (I prize).
Accents I & II for strings / in the CD: Contemporary Macedonian Music, Association of Macedonian Composers (SOKOM), 2002
Dream / CD: Contemporary Macedonian Composers, Association of Macedonian Composers (SOKOM), 2002
Two moments for violin and piano / CD: Contemporary Macedonian Composers, Association of Macedonian Composers (SOKOM), 2001
Trio for violin, bassoon and guitar / CD: Green Angels, ‘Music and Earth’ International Competition for Composers and Performers, Sofia, Bulgaria, (II Prize), 1995
Variations for piano / CD: GUAN - Music for piano from Macedonian composers, Macedonian Radio and Television, 1994
Suite for Piano / CD: GUAN – Music for piano from Macedonian composers, Macedonian Radio and Television, 1994