I am a Tutor, a Member of the Senior Management Team of the School of Computing and Applied Mathematics and a Member of the Board of the Research Institute for the Environment, Physical Sciences, and Applied Mathematics (EPSAM).
I was a student at Cambridge University, where I obtained a first-class honours degree in Mathematics and was later a Fellow of Christ's College. This college is the subject of C. P. Snow's novel 'The Masters'. I obtained a PhD in Applied Mathematics at Bristol University, on a topic in fluid dynamics. While working at Keele, I have written a text-book, High Speed Flow, published by Cambridge University Press in 2000. I have been interested in mathematics since I was a school-boy; I taught myself calculus from a book called `Calculus made easy' about a year before we came to the subject in class (the author was right: he did make it easy). For two years I worked in the nuclear power industry, where I did `real-life' applied mathematics on the safety of nuclear reactors. I have spent four periods of three months working in the USA, and I make regular research visits to Denmark.
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Keele University
Tel:+44 (0) 1782 731830