Keele University Memorial Garden
Our Memorial Garden, beyond the Clockhouse on Keele campus, is home to a collection of trees dedicated to former staff, alumni & students. The garden will develop over time into a fruit tree and wildflower meadow, to be used as a teaching resource and as a pleasant place to sit and reflect.
The garden location is marked on this campus map.
The maintenance and development of our Memorial Garden, Arboretum and National Collection of Flowering Cherry trees would not be possible without generous gifts from our supporters. These gifts enable us to preserve and develop the collection and ensure our beautiful campus is protected for the future.
Memorial Trees
- We can offer the opportunity to dedicate a tree within the Memorial Garden in celebration of staff, students or alumni*.
- The cost to dedicate a tree is £250, taken as a donation which contributes towards the cost of the plaque, materials, tree and maintenance of the garden and arboretum. This is made as a donation via our donation portal but please seek confirmation from the Alumni Office before donating.
- Memorial Benches are also available within a limited number of spaces on campus, including the Memorial Garden, with a recommended donation starting at £2000*. These must be agreed with the Alumni Office.
Memorial Tree Guidelines
- Plaques and benches must be ordered via the Alumni Office; we cannot accept plaques or benches purchased elsewhere.
- If a memorial tree dies, we will replace free of charge until 3 years from date of dedication. If we cannot replace the tree, we will endeavour to move the plaque to another suitable tree.
- Trees will remain dedicated for a minimum of 10 years, and we guarantee plaques for the duration of this time.
- Plaques placed next to the chosen tree have a recommended wording of up to 22 words. The Alumni Team will need to approve the plaque wording.
- Plaques take between 6-10 weeks to be installed.
- If you would like more words or to include pictures, we are happy to add these to the memorial webpages.
- Tree dedication ceremonies can be held with pre-arrangement and the alumni team can assist with this.
- The alumni team are happy to choose a suitable tree, or you are welcome to visit the garden to choose an unadopted tree. Unadopted trees are offered on first come first served basis if two people want the same one. We recommend choosing a first and second choice if choosing your own tree.
- Each tree is tagged and numbered and forms part of Keele Arboretum. Cherry trees also form part of our National Collection of Flowering Cherries.
- Planting of UK native bulbs will be allowed around the base of the tree with permission from the grounds team* but no additional ornaments will be allowed, including fake flowers, toys, etc.
- No articles are to be left at the base of the tree without prior consent; these will be removed by the grounds staff and composted or disposed of.
- The Keele grounds and alumni team reserve the right to move or remove a plaque and tree if unforeseen circumstances arise.
Scattering of ashes
- Keele University is to be notified of the intention to scatter ashes and permission sought via the Alumni Team.
- Scattering of ashes is permitted* in both the Memorial Garden and Keele woods. Please ensure this is done with sensitivity and discretion to respect the feelings of others.
- No urns are permitted, and nothing is to be buried.
- If you also have a dedicated tree plaque, it is not permitted to mention ashes/final resting place etc. But can say ‘In Memory’.
- No signage of any kind will be allowed in the location of the ashes except an approved tree or bench and any plaque must be either attached to the bench or placed on an approved plinth in the ground adjacent to the tree. Again, no other ornaments will be allowed in the vicinity including flowers, crosses or large stones.
- We ask that you please scatter thinly over a wide area, away from main pathways. Choose a quiet moment when fewer people are likely to be around.
- The scattering of ashes does not give the right to the location in the future.
- Those who donate towards a memorial tree or bench will be asked to sign a document containing the above points.
- We do not charge for scattering of ashes but are very grateful to those who people kindly donate or choose to remember Keele in their will.
*Restrictions apply
If you have any questions or want to discuss dedicating a tree in memory of a loved one, please email
Many of our trees are dedicated to alumni and staff who left a gift in their will to Keele. If you are interested in finding out more, please visit our Legacy web pages.