Data protection information: Friends of Keele
Please find below data protection information from the Directorate of Research, Innovation & Engagement at Keele University.
All data is held securely by the Keele University and will be treated confidentially. Unless you tell us otherwise, the data may be made available to our academic and administrative departments and recognised Keele University groups.
Data will not be disclosed to external organisations, other than those acting as agents of the University for Legitimate Reasons. The University may provide information to certain external surveying companies working on behalf of such organisations as the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) or University funding bodies.
The data will be used for a full range of Friends of Keele activities, including sending publications, promotion of benefits and services available to Friends of Keele, notification of Friends of Keele events and of programmes involving academic and administrative departments and the sending of SMS text messages. Emails will be tracked and stored to ensure that we are better able to tailor our communications.
We would like to ensure that our interactions with you are appropriate and cost-effective. We will pay attention to your responses (including e-tracking) and, from time to time, we may use your data for profiling, targeting, and research purposes. Data will also be used in the University’s fundraising programmes.
You have the right to object to or enquire about the use of your data for any of purpose by contacting Steph Wright at
To explain in practical terms what this might mean:
You may be contacted via post, email, telephone, SMS text, or online social media channels to which you have subscribed, with any of the following:
- Publications intended to inform Friends of Keele, such as the events brochure and e-newsletters.
- Targeted invitations and information about Friends of Keele, related groups or networks and their events or activities.
- Information about relevant University courses and opportunities.
- Invitations to complete relevant surveys and to give feedback.
- Relevant communications from the wider University.
- Fundraising communications.
- Information on relevant University services or benefits.
- Other general communications giving relevant University news.
- Any other use deemed to sit within our data protection statement.