
Three Counties Open Exhibition 2022

Burslem School of Art

30 July - 30 August
Open 11am-3pm Tuesday-Saturday, last entry 2:30pm
Burslem School of Art
Three Counties Open Exhibition is open to the public at Burslem School of Art between 30th July-30th August 2022, open Tuesday-Saturday 11pm-3pm. The exhibition is closed Sundays and Mondays. Entry is free and open to all.
ArtsKeele is pleased to present the Three Counties Open Exhibition, taking place here, in the stunning and historical Burslem School of Art in Stoke-on-Trent. After two years of digital shows, we are excited to experience the work in-person, in addition to continuing with a digital platform for the show. From amateur to professional artists, we wish to celebrate art in its many forms and the ways in which it enables us to express ourselves, enrich our lives, and connects us with one another in times of sadness, joy, and everything in-between.
Submissions have come from artists across Staffordshire, Cheshire and Shropshire; this year we had nearly 200 entries of which 115 entries were selected by our judges from: Airspace Gallery; Appetite’s Supper Club; ArtUK; ArtsKeele and Barewall Gallery. We have a range of work across the disciplines of Drawing, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Textiles and Sculpture. Prizes and opportunities have been generously given by ACAVA Spode Works, Appetite, ArtsKeele, Barewall Gallery, Burslem School of Art Trust, City Learning Trust, New Vic Theatre Archive Fund, North Staffs Friends of the Earth and The Art Studio.
Three Counties Open has been made possible through partnerships with ArtsKeele, Appetite, ACAVA, Burslem School of Art, Burlsem School of Art Trust Volunteers, City Learning Trust and Barewall Gallery and Keele University.

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Burslem School of Art
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01782 731368