
Deb Skinner, Curator

Raven Mason Collection open

Open 12-4pm

Raven Mason: The Complete Collection
Raven Mason Suite, Keele Hall

One of the treasures of the University, this fascinating ceramics collection is displayed in the graceful surroundings of Keele Hall and is open for anyone to visit.

Ironstone china and porcelain by the Mason Family of potters illustrate the highs and lows of ceramics production in the world famous Staffordshire Potteries of the 19th century, ranging from day-to-day tableware to lavish decorative items for the wealthy. Displays are themed around style, date, decoration and purpose, contextualised with information about people, processes and the renowned Mason’s Patent Ironstone China.

Enjoy ceramic highlights of the collection, along with artworks and images relating to the Mason Family and the Potteries which together present a fascinating picture of an industry in an era of change.

The collection is the creation of the Raven brothers, Ronald William and John Mason and their sister and Dame Kathleen who presented it to the University for all to enjoy.

For more information, open hours and visiting: www.keele.ac.uk/ravenmason
NOTE: Group visits and talks by arrangement

Email: ravenmason@keele.ac.uk      

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Raven Mason Suite, Keele Hall
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01782 734340