Keele Hall Readings

The Things We Write 2024

Organised by Keele University’s Creative Writing Department, Keele Hall Readings take place during the academic year in the beautiful Keele Hall.

The Things We Write, 2024.
Keele University Chapel, 7:15pm for 7:30pm start.

A celebratory end to the semester with a writing showcase from our student community. Join us to hear the writers of tomorrow read from original work produced over the past year as we celebrate the Keele University creative writing anthology – The Things We Write 2024.

Keele Creative Writing will be celebrating the publication of ‘The Things We Write’, an anthology of student poetry and prose that will, for the first time since its conception in 2020, provide its contributors with a professionally recognised publishing credit.

The brainchild of Creative Writing Lecturer Emma Henderson and managed entirely by a team of postgraduate students, the anthology’s rigorous editorial process enables students to experience all important skills in pitching and submission, including working with copyeditors and to deadline. All work is submitted anonymously and judged by Creative Writing Lecturers and writers Jim Sheard, Emma Henderson, and Lisa Blower. This year’s inclusion of an ISBN means that all students can cite the anthology as a publishing credit on their CVs, enabling them to further their writing careers by having the credentials to enter national and international competitions and improve their appeal to agents and publishers as published writers.

The anthology launch will feature 3minute readings from contributors, with a Headline performance from Keele alumni and prize-winning poet Liz Lefroy who has also written the anthology’s Foreward. 

For further information – Caroline Chalkley (Editor) c.m.chalkley@keele.ac.uk / Emily Lawton (Editor) e.l.lawton@keele.ac.uk / keelehallreadings@wordpress.com

Performances by Keele Acapella and Keele Jazz Band. 

Anthologies available for purchase on the night: £8 (cash only).

Parking and access: you are welcome to park for free on campus after 5pm on weekdays (and at the weekend). There is disabled parking outside the Student Union on the P&D car park (also free after 5pm). The route from the car park to the Chapel is flat, there is a power-assisted door to the Chapel and a disabled toilet.


Event date
Event Time
Keele University Chapel
Keele University, Creative Writing Department.
Contact email
Contact telephone
01782 734340