Professor Ian Cumming OBE: Global Challenges facing healthcare delivery in 15BC (Beyond Covid)

ILAS Global Challenge lecture series

The latest in a series of Global Challenge lectures from the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences.


Global Challenges facing healthcare delivery in 15BC (Beyond Covid)


Details will be announced in due course.


Professor Ian Cumming OBE, Professor of Global Healthcare Workforce and Strategy, joined Keele in April 2020 and simultaneously took his role as UK Ambassador for Health of Overseas Territories as well as being appointed as the new chairman of West Midlands Ambulance Service Trust.

Prior to his role at Keele, Professor Ian Cumming was Chief Executive of Health Education England (HEE) for eight years, leading the NHS’ arms-length education and training body having previously served 25 years as an NHS Chief Executive.

Professor Cumming is playing a significant role in the Keele Deal | Health and is working with the Institute for Global Health to build international partnerships and educate students on healthcare systems of countries around the world.

Professor Cumming has a particular interest in global healthcare, healthcare leadership and management, training and educations, and pre-hospital care including paramedic science.


This lecture will be available in person as well as online via Microsoft Teams.  For those attending in person, refreshments will be available from 6.00pm onwards.  For those attending online, please register (by no later than 5.00pm on the day of the lecture) and joining instructions with further information will follow ahead of the lecture. 

This lecture is free and all are welcome to attend.

Event date
Event Time
Salvin Room, Keele Hall and Online via MS Teams
Steve Kilner
Contact email
Contact telephone
01782 7 34449