
Professor Dorje Brody

Could quantum physics be the key that unlocks the secrets of human behaviour?

Professor Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Lecture Series

Join Professor Droje Brody from the University of Surrey for this guest lecture, part of the Professor Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Lecture Series. 

Professor Brody's talk will be based on the Conversation article

Speaker biography

Dorje Brody was born in Hong Kong, and later lived in Japan for a number of years where he obtained his BSc in physics at the University of Niigata. He received his PhD degrees in theoretical physics from Imperial College London, and subsequently worked at University of Cambridge and Imperial College. He is now Professor of Mathematics at the University of Surrey. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, and a Lifetime Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. His research interests include theoretical physics and applied mathematics, including quantum foundations, mathematical finance, and election modelling. He is the leading authority in the geometric formulation of quantum theory, and has pioneered the information-based approach to financial modelling.

Professor Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Lecture Series

This lecture is part of the Prof Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Lecture Series, being organised in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Prof Fumiko Yonezawa, who was the first Japanese student studied at Keele from 1963 to 1964, and later achieved significant accomplishments as a theoretical physicist and became the first female president of the Physical Society of Japan and a laureate of the L'Oreal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science for her pioneering theory and computer simulations on amorphous semiconductors and liquid metals in 2005.

This lecture series is supported by the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation ( and the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation (

No reservations are required, and anyone can participate.

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Chancellor's Building CBA0.061
Keele Language Centre
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01782 734340