James Peacock & Nick Bentley

Stories into Song

A British-Academy-Funded research project on adaptations of short stories and novels into pop and rock songs. This project draws on the research and practice expertise of literary critic-musicians to bring together textual analysis and the co-creation of musical artworks with a range of publics to devise a new approach to literary analysis. It examines the processes involved when adapting one medium of aesthetic production – narrative fiction – to another – the pop/rock song.

There have been numerous instances of recording artists and musicians using novels and short stories as the inspiration or source material for the composition of songs, such as Kate Bush’s ‘Wuthering Heights’, David Bowie’s ‘1984’, Emilie Autumn’s ‘Gothic Lolita’, Rush’s ‘Tom Sawyer’ and Lana Del Rey’s ‘Young and Beautiful' (based on The Great Gatsby).

This pilot project, funded by a British Academy Small Grant, aims to develop a systematic methodology for analysing such adaptations. The project also aims to pilot a new method for analysing literary texts whereby analysis of the decisions made in the adaptation process allow new critical insights into aspects of the original source.

Come along to the KPA for an evening of  live music - songs adapted from literary texts, including originals co-created during workshops with local participants - as well as readings from the literary texts that inspired the songs. 

FREE no need to book, just turn up.

Event date
Event Time
Keele Postgraduate Association (KPA), Keele University
James Peacock and Nick Bentley
Contact email
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01782 734340