Professor Anna Meredith OBE

Wildlife Health Matters: Vets, One Health and Conservation Medicine

Join Professor Anna Meredith OBE, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, for her inaugural lecture on 25th March. 

The lecture, entitled “Wildlife Health Matters: Vets, One Health and Conservation Medicine”, will be held in the Westminster Theatre, Chancellor's Building, from 6pm. All are welcome to attend.

Speaker biography

Anna is Professor of Zoological and Conservation Medicine and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Before she joined Keele in 2024, she was Head of Melbourne Vet School, moving there in 2018 after a long career at the University of Edinburgh where she was a veterinary clinician, teacher and researcher in zoological medicine and wildlife population health. During that time she was Head Vet at Edinburgh Zoo and Chaired the UK Government's Zoos Expert Committee. Anna is a passionate advocate of animal welfare and received an OBE in 2019 for services to animal welfare and the veterinary profession. She is currently a member of the Government's new Animal Sentience Committee. Her research interests lie at the interface of animal, human and environmental health and the conservation of biodiversity.

Lecture abstract

Loss of biodiversity and climate change are mutually reinforcing crises, and the health of the planet connects us all. This lecture will be a personal perspective on why wildlife health is important, why we all should care about it, and how vets can make meaningful contributions to the conservation of biodiversity, for the benefit of all. Illustrated by my own career journey and using examples from my research as a wildlife vet I aim to convince you that wildlife health really does matter!

Event date
Event Time
Westminster Theatre, Chancellor's Building
Keele Box Office
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01782 734340