Keele Bach Choir - 50th Anniversary Concert

50th Anniversary Concert

19:30 Sat 22 Mar 2025

Keele University Chapel, Keele, ST5 5BG

2025 is Keele Bach Choir’s 50th anniversary year and we've got some great music lined up to celebrate this exciting event. For our March concert, we’re delighted to welcome professional soloists and orchestra who’ll be accompanying the choir in Handel’s Dixit Dominus and Zadok the Priest, plus J.S.Bach’s O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht and Magnificat. Zadok needs no introduction and the powerful entry of the choir is always good value. Dixit Dominus is perhaps not so well known, but this early Handel work doesn’t disappoint: expect bravura choral set-pieces interspersed with gloriously tuneful solos and duets. And then we have some glorious Bach. The relatively little performed funeral chorale O Jesu Christ features an unusual and sonorous brass accompaniment, complementing the unmistakable Bach signature: the dignity, the grace, the tunefulness, the intensity, the humanity. With Magnificat, based on the Virgin Mary’s words during a visitation to her cousin Elizabeth, Bach regales us with glorious choral movements, varied solos and duets, deeply felt emotion and razor-sharp intelligence. The rolling entries as the choir sing the Gloria are just wonderful. And there are so many other superb moments. Do come and hear: this concert will be a feast for the ears and food for the soul.
Booking available four weeks before the concert, please follow the link below to book your place:

BOOK 50th Anniversary Concert | Keele Bach Choir


PARKING & HOW TO FIND US: Parking is free on campus after 5pm on a weekday and during the weekend. The closest car park to the University Chapel is the pay and display car park located on Union Square. Campus map here: All Parking Locations 
Keele Chapel is centrally located on this map. This car park is free during the evening and at weekends and pay and display during weekdays until 5pm only.  


Event date
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Keele Chapel
Keele Bach Choir
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01782 734340