Welcome to Keele University

Our Student and Visitor Services Welcome locations can be found in the Denise Coates Foundation Building (Keele Business School and IC6) close to the main entrance to campus.

Many services are operated from off campus (Keele staff working remotely) so please bear that in mind when trying to contact the University.

Key department email contact details:

You are advised to contact the relevant department direct and by email.

The University Reception is located in the Denise Coates Foundation Building and is staffed from 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday

The Student Services Hub is located in the Claus Moser Building and is staffed from 9am to 5pm*  

*During term time this extends to 6.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays

To speak to someone in an emergency outside these hours please call the Campus Safety Team - 01782 733999.

we can help you with

  • Directions around campus and location of all university buildings
  • Parking advice
  • Any general enquiries or assistance while visiting campus

Opening times

In Person Support: Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 16.00 at Denise Coates Foundation Building 

Phone Support: Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 17.00 via Switchboard 01782 732000

Weekends and Bank Holidays - Closed

* Please note hours may vary during university vacation times 

There are a number of short stay (15 minutes) parking bays close to the entrance of the building, so you can park up whilst you ask for directions or parking advice.

Contact us

University Switchboard Telephone: +44 (0) 01782 732000
Email: student.services@keele.ac.uk

Parking on campus

Details of how to book visitor parking and how to apply for student and staff parking permits can be found here.