Keele staff give back to communities for 75th anniversary year
The 75th anniversary of Keele University has given staff the chance to give back to their communities with an additional day’s leave for volunteering. From helping with local arts festivals and building dry stone walls, to cleaning beaches and picking up litter along the region’s canals, staff have used their extra day’s leave to benefit a huge variety of different causes.
Here are just some of the projects and causes that Keele staff have helped out this year.

Keele teams volunteer to bring a community together
Colleagues from our Events and Conferencing and Catering teams used their volunteering day to help bring members of the community together. The group hosted YMCA North Staffordshire’s Community Meal, preparing a meal that for some can be the only hot meal they eat that week.

Galina holds Ukrainian fundraiser on campus
Web Officer Galina Smith held a fundraiser on campus to raise money for medical supplies on the Ukrainian frontline.
Galina said: "With my sister and the incredible backing of Keele University, the Student’s Union and local AUGB (Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain) groups from Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent, I held a fundraiser in Union Square with handmade items created by Ukrainians in the local community." Galina raised around £200.

Noureen gives back to the local Ismaili community
Dr Noureen Shivji, Research Associate in the School of Medicine, continued charitable work she’s been doing in the local Ismaili community since 2019.
Noureen said: “Serving as a community leader in Stoke-on-Trent has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Over the years, I’ve had the honour of supporting both our elderly members and people of all ages, working together to create a vibrant and caring community where everyone feels valued and supported."

Colleagues help at Stoke-based Community Centre
Seven colleagues from across the University volunteered at the West End Community Centre in Stoke. Sharon Harding, Sue Mason, Wendy Sharpe, Rebecca Hill, Alison Jackson, Sheila Allen and Louise Middleton helped in the café, sorted Christmas presents to be distributed to disadvantaged children, and painted walls.

GSRA Student Recruitment Events team takes part in beach clean
The Student Recruitment Events team took part in a community beach clean. The group went to a beach in Hightown on the Sefton Coast to tackle the issues that high tides in the area can create. The beach clean was organised through the Marine Conservation Society, whose goal is to recover the health of the ocean.

Colleagues build habitats at Silverdale Country Park
A group of colleagues from across the University used their volunteering day to help diverse species find a home in a local community space. The group, made up of colleagues from Student Services, Research Innovation and Engagement, Information and Digital Services, and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, spent the day at Silverdale Country Park, learning a new skill – dry stone walling!

Rosi helps local theatre company as a community reporter
Rosi Monkman from the Partnership Development Team volunteered as a Community Reporter for local theatre company, Claybody Theatre. Rosi interviewed members of the YMCA campus community in Hanley about Claybody’s support of the YMCA Theatre Club, which organises theatre visits for young people.

Andrea volunteers at The Big Feast festival
Procurement Coordinator Andrea Boardman volunteered with arts programme Appetite at The Big Feast festival in Hanley. Andrea provided information and support to members of the public, helped performers to set up and clear away – and even joined in with some of the activities, including a circus workshop and maypole dancing!

Paramedic Science colleagues support waterworks renovation
Colleagues from the Paramedic Science MSci Programme volunteered at Stockton Brook Waterworks as part of renovation plans to turn the building and grounds into a welcoming, accessible community centre for art, nature and heritage in North Staffordshire. Sam Yeates, Emma Geis, Gina Johnson, Dr Suzanne Nasser and Rachel Pogson assisted with clearing the grounds, sanding, painting, tidying and cutting back overgrown foliage.

Carolyn cleans up hospice garden
Dr Carolyn Voisey, Lecturer in Human Physiology, spent her volunteering day gardening for hospice, Treetops. Carolyn worked in the hospice garden weeding, tidying up and removing unwanted saplings. The charity has been a 'lifeline' and 'second home' to Carolyn and her family since her son was born 13 and a half years ago.

Deputy VC becomes British Heart Foundation’s “Christmas Elf” for a day
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Mark Ormerod took time out of his busy schedule to use his volunteering day at the British Heart Foundation shop in Nantwich. The charity is one which is particularly dear to him, having undergone emergency open heart surgery himself in 2021, and he spent the day with other volunteers helping sort through donations ready to be sold to support the charity’s vital work.

GGE colleagues clean up Caldon Canal paths
Six colleagues from the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment volunteered with the Canal and River Trust. Following a five-mile route along the Caldon Canal, Kerry Mollart-Price, Kerry Melvin, Jim Rhead, Alex Farrell, Anna Bezzant and Dr Adam Moolna cleared a dozen bags of litter from footpaths and surroundings areas.