Our Future: Keele University Strategy

Keele was created to be different. We were formed to be a university fit for a world of uncertainty that prepared students for that world and supported society through research in partnership with others. This founding mission is as relevant and as important now.

Our mission to “making a difference in society by providing innovative, high-quality education for students from all backgrounds and by undertaking world-leading research that transforms understanding and brings benefit to society, communities and individuals”, has not, and will not change.

Given the talent of our staff, students and graduates, the next 10 years will undoubtedly see our university grow in size, stature, performance and reputation. Our route along this journey will take many unknown twists and turns given the uncertainty around us in the sector and world, so, unusually, the delivery of this strategy is focused principally on the short- to medium-term in order to secure our longer term sustainability and success. We want it to be a living document. We want to develop some key strategic projects that will move this strategy from the incremental to the transformative and we want this approach, to set a tone and a direction that will guide the university with a strong and powerful vision as we move forward into one of the most important periods in the institution’s long and successful history.

This is articulated through a clear sense of purpose and knowledge of what our performance needs to be to achieve this. Keele University has a strong sense of belonging. We recognise how our place in the UK partly defines us and what we do but that brings with it a determination to be global in outlook and international in action. But ultimately success comes from our people and the partnerships we forge, nurture and cherish. As we go forward, our success in education and research will be underpinned by these 5Ps and they form the core of this commitment. Together, with our passion and pride from which it is borne, this commitment will serve us well as we move forward with the confidence, agility and ambition required to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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Purpose People Place Partnerships Performance

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