Our commitment is ambitious. Our long term success means that we must be recognised as a highly-ranked university, one that undertakes world-class research which has significant impact within the academy and beyond, and that is undertaken in the context of an exceptional educational experience for our students. We will compare ourselves to others but do this with a clear sense of our unique position in higher education in the UK.
We will not obsess over league tables, but we will use external evaluations wisely to learn from their comparisons in order to enhance and promote our own performance to deliver a strong positioning in the sector.
Our research performance is a key enabler of our reputation as an institution and it must remain at the heart of our future strategy. Our success will depend on our world-class researchers, how we support them and how we actively collaborate across and beyond the campus in significant collaborative research programmes. We will use the Research Excellence Framework as an important evaluation of progress and performance in our pursuit of the highest quality of research, measured in both the eyes of our peers and those benefiting from our work across the world. We will endeavour to have world-leading impact with all our research. Increased income to support our research and the development of our postgraduate researcher community will play an important role in the measures we develop to assess the achievement of our research ambitions.
We will evaluate our performance in education through a combination of externally benchmarked metrics and in more detailed evaluation by KIITE of student satisfaction and outcomes plus the nature of changes in teaching practice. We will also deploy a Student Engagement Analytics project, which will heighten the detail and rigour of our data on educational engagement.