Professor Antonius Raghubansie

Pro Vice-Chancellor (International)

Antonius Raghubansi Title: Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) and Professor of Digital Marketing & Global Engagement
Location: CM2.20
Contacting me: Personal Assistant - Sam Gallagher - s.j.gallagher@keele.ac.uk


Professor Antonius Raghubansie became the founding Pro Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for Global Engagement at Keele in 2023. Professor Raghubansie has a global profile and joined us from University of Westminster where he was Head of School of Management & Marketing. Immediately before that he held directorate responsibility in international education in multiple countries in South and East Asia.

Antonius has a background in industry and academia in Marketing and International Management, teaching, researching and consulting. His research explores the impact of digital technology on creative organisations. As Professor of Digital Marketing & Global Engagement, he has continued to work in this area with leading global partners.

Professor Raghubansie has held various leadership roles in the beverages industry and UK HE at School, cross-institution and cross-sector levels, leading education, student experience, sustainability and international projects.