Living in a temporary shared room

To provide as much accommodation as possible for first year students, a number of rooms are set-aside for students to share on a temporary basis. We understand that sharing a room isn't easy, but rest assured that you are our main priority for room moves.

You will only pay 50% of the total cost of the room whilst sharing. When you move out, or the student you are sharing with moves out, you become liable for the full cost of the room from that date.

We aim to get all students in temporary shared accommodation into their own rooms at the earliest opportunity. It is not possible to share on a permanent basis.

We will try to keep you in your current hall of residence because we understand that you may have made friends (unless you want to move elsewhere).

Please remember that the priority is to get you into your own bedroom initially, even if it isn't the room type you requested.  You can always request a move to your desired location after you move.

You may refuse two alternative room offers, but will have to move to the third room we offer to you.

Once you refuse a room, your priority is lowered and you will go to the bottom of the list.