Nursing and Midwifery Accommodation

Where possible we accommodate Nursing and Midwifery students together for the first year due to course requirements and possible shifts. This is usually in clusters or on corridors within a block of mature or postgraduate students who require the same occupancy period.

Accommodation is allocated according to the number of students requiring accommodation and it isn't always possible to have dedicated blocks for Nursing and Midwifery students.

The Keele University Campus is located approximately 3.5 miles from the Hospital Site. Nursing and Midwifery students can apply for a campus car parking permit. Alternatively students can get from the campus to the Hospital site using the 25 bus route.

We provide rooms on a 51 week occupancy period for Nursing and Midwifery students.‌  Priority is given to students requiring accommodation for 51 weeks. Accommodation on lesser occupancy periods may be available, depending on availability but would predominantly be in blocks housing undergraduate students​. Students requiring an alternative occupancy period should discuss this with the Student Accommodation team​, but should note that we are unable to guarantee accommodation for them.​

Please see here for the accommodation dates and fees.

For more information please contact us.

For 2024/25 the room types available for Nursing and Midwifery students are

For 2025/26 the room types available for Nursing and Midwifery students are