Follow on project
Ages and Stages: translating research into practice is a 12 month follow on project (funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council), which builds on the research findings, experiences and collaborations arising from Ages and Stages to develop a dynamic programme of knowledge exchange and practical activities.
We aim to:
- Establish an intergenerational theatre company at the New Vic;
- Involve the company in the development, performance and evaluation of performance piece/s to be toured to new user communities
- Develop, deliver and evaluate an inter-professional training course and associated training and resource materials/ guidance;
- Scope out, with a range of partners (voluntary sector, local authority, health and social care providers, arts and theatre groups, academic colleagues) the potential for a Creative Age Festival.
These activities are designed to engage older and younger people and are about uncovering shared knowledge. They will involve primary and secondary school teachers; health and social care professionals; arts practitioners; and local and regional community groups. A further aim is to ensure that the programme’s activities are evaluated and translated into usable materials for practitioners wanting to engage in intergenerational work.