Jonathan is the Director of Research for the School of Allied Health Professionals and is Professor of Physiotherapy, in the Keele School of Medicine.
He completed his BSc in Physiotherapy in 1994 at Manchester Royal Infirmary, where he also undertook an MSc in 1995. He worked for 4 years in clinical practice including in Stoke-on-Trent UK, Vellore India, Perth Australia, and Derby in England.
His research career began in 1999 at the Primary Care Centre in Keele University, as a research assistant for Professor Krysia Dziedzic, later undertaking a PhD (2004-2007) to develop and validate the STarT Back Tool and matched treatments through a feasibility and pilot trial (under the supervision of Elaine Hay and Kate Dunn). Following a 5-year post-doc fellowship award from Arthritis Research UK as a Lecturer in Physiotherapy he led the full trial of the risk stratified STarT Back approach for back pain supported by Elaine Hay (published in The Lancet in 2011).
Jonathan’s overall aim is to improve the assessment and management of musculoskeletal (MSK) pain, particularly in primary care where it is mostly treated. Despite being highly prevalent and one of the leading causes of the global burden of disease, MSK pain has not received the research attention it deserves.
His primary research focus is on large multi-centre clinical trials to test new treatments, including the testing of innovative digital solutions. Building on Keele’s international reputation in MSK pain, he has led risk stratification research that has transformed clinical practice worldwide such as STarT Back Trial [Hill et al 2011, published in The Lancet], and STarT MSK Trial [Hill et al 2021, under review]. STarT Back has resulted in fundamental changes to policy (e.g. NICE LBP guidelines 2016) and international patient care (e.g. UK (BOA pathway 2017, Danish Health Authority, 2017, US Bree Collaborative 2013). He also currently involved with helping to lead the SupportBack 2 trial, the SupportPRIM trial, and the OPTIMSE trial.
A second key research area is Jonathan’s leadership to improve the measurement of MSK disorders. For example, in 2016, he published the MSK Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ) that is now routinely used in clinical practice with >500 NHS Trusts having a license to use it. He has also pioneered MSK digital solutions, such as new clinical decision support systems. For example, he recently led a team of 10 Keele academic colleagues as part of a large European Horizon 2020 project to develop and test a cloud-based clinical decision support tool (Back-UP) for first contact back and neck pain, across nine countries. He is currently helping to lead 2 workpackages within the MIDAS research programme to link place-based, GP and NHS data together and he is also supporting his colleague Roanna Burgess to set-up a new National MSK Audit using the Keele MSK Community Services Dataset.
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School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy
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Hornbeam Building
Keele University
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