Professor Julius Sim
- Title
- Professor of Health Care Research
- Location
- MAC 1.32
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- 01782 734253
- j.sim@keele.ac.uk
Julius initially studied English at the University of Durham, after which he gained an MSc (with distinction) in sociology at South Bank Polytechnic, an MSc (with distinction) in applied statistics at Sheffield Hallam University, and a PhD in philosophy, supervised by David McNaughton, at Keele University.
Before coming to Keele in 1997, Julius had a brief but successful career in Pizza Express, which he unwisely forsook for a longer, but markedly less successful, career in the National Health Service, before joining Coventry University as a lecturer in social and health research.
Julius is a Chartered Statistician and Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.
Research and scholarship
Research and scholarship
Julius's research within Keele is mainy located in the School of Medicine, but he has also worked with the social gerontology, psychology and criminology research groups within Keele. His research centres on methodology, both qualitative and quantitative, and ethics: specific interests include research ethics, qualitative synthesis (metasynthesis) and clinical trial methodology. In addition he has an interest in the sociology of chronic illness.
GRT-40023: Approaches to research design and process
HLT-40001: Research methods in health
PTY-40002: Evidence-based practice
HLT-40002: Advanced quantitative data analysis (module leader)
CLM-40003: Statistics and epidemiology
PTY-30047: Research project (module leader)
Further information
Further information
Julius is deputy chair on Sub-Panel 3 of the 2021 Research Excellence Framework, having also been deputy chair of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework and Chair of Sub-Panel 12 of the 2018 Research Assessment Exercise, and has served on the East Midlands Committee of the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funding scheme and the NIHR Health services and Delivery Research Funding Board.
Currently, Julius sits on the funding committee for the Research for Patient and Public Benefit scheme (Health and Social Care, Wales) and the commissioning board of the Health Services and Delivery Research Programme (NIHR).
Julius is statistical advisor for the Journal of Psychomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and associate editor of BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, an associate editor (and previous editor-in-chief) of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, and a member of the editorial board of Physiotherapy Canada.
Journal Articles
- Johal, Neena; Sharma, Radha; Belcher, John; Coyle, David; Lindley, Elizabeth J.; Keane, David; Caskey, Fergus J.; Dasgupta, Indranil; Davenport, Andrew; Farrington, Ken; Mitra, Sandip; Ormandy, Paula; Wilkie, Martin; Macdonald, Jamie; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Sim, Julius; Davies, Simon J.. 06-11-2024. 'Centre-level fluid management practices in the BISTRO trial and their lack of association with participant fluid status and blood pressure in non-anuric haemodialysis patients'. BMC Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Belcher, John; Coyle, David; Lindley, Elizabeth J; Keane, David; Caskey, Fergus J; Dasgupta, Indranil; Davenport, Andrew; Farrington, Ken; Mitra, Sandip; Ormandy, Paula; Wilkie, Martin; Macdonald, Jamie; Hugo Macdonald, Jamie; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Sim, Julius; Davies, Simon J. 10-10-2024. 'Impact of the Preservation of Residual Kidney Function on Hemodialysis Survival: Results from the BISTRO Trial'. Kidney360. DOI > view in repository >
- Zanganeh, Mandana; Belcher, John; Fotheringham, James; Coyle, David; Lindley, Elizabeth J; Keane, David F; Caskey, Fergus J; Dasgupta, Indranil; Davenport, Andrew; Farrington, Ken; Mitra, Sandip; Ormandy, Paula; Wilkie, Martin; Macdonald, Jamie H; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Sim, Julius; Davies, Simon J; Andronis, Lazaros. 01-09-2024. 'Cost-effectiveness of bioimpedance-guided fluid management in patients undergoing haemodialysis: the BISTRO RCT'. Health Technology Assessment. DOI > view in repository >
- Beattie, Catherine E.; Barnett, Richard J.; Williams, Jennifer; Sim, Julius; Pullinger, Samuel A.. 01-10-2023. 'Are return-to-play times longer in lower-limb muscle injuries involving the intramuscular tendon? A systematic review'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, Julius; Marit Mengshoel, Anne. 01-08-2023. 'Metasynthesis: issues of empirical and theoretical context'. Quality & Quantity. DOI > view in repository >
- Gori, Alessio; Topino, Eleonora; Imperatore, Pierluigi; Musetti, Alessandro; Sim, Julius; Machin, Linda. 04-06-2023. 'Measuring Vulnerability in Grief: The Psychometric Properties of the Italian Adult Attitude to Grief Scale'. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. DOI > view in repository >
- Holland, David; Heald, Adrian H.; Hanna, Fahmy F.W.; Stedman, Mike; Wu, Pensée; Sim, Julius; Duff, Christopher J.; Duce, Helen; Green, Lewis; Scargill, Jonathan; Howe, Jonathon D.; Robinson, Sarah; Halsall, Ian; Gaskell, Neil; Davison, Andrew; Simms, Mark; Denny, Angela; Langan, Martin; Fryer, Anthony A.. 01-04-2023. 'The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on HbA1c Testing: Prioritization of High-Risk Cases and Impact of Social Deprivation'. Diabetes Therapy. DOI > view in repository >
- Smith, LE; Sim, J; Cutts, M; Dasch, H; Amlôt, R; Sevdalis, N; Rubin, GJ; Sherman, S. 01-04-2023. 'Psychosocial factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the UK: a prospective cohort study (CoVAccS – wave 3)'. Vaccine: X. DOI > view in repository >
- Sherman, S; Lingley-Heath, N; Lai, J; Sim, J; Bedford, H. 17-02-2023. 'Parental acceptance of and preferences for administration of routine varicella vaccination in the UK: a study to inform policy'. Vaccine. DOI > view in repository >
- Davies, Simon J.; Coyle, David; Lindley, Elizabeth J.; Keane, David; Belcher, John; Caskey, Fergus J.; Dasgupta, Indranil; Davenport, Andrew; Farrington, Ken; Mitra, Sandip; Ormandy, Paula; Wilkie, Martin; Macdonald, Jamie; Zanganeh, Mandana; Andronis, Lazaros; Solis-Trapala, Ivonne; Sim, Julius. 01-01-2023. 'Bio-impedance spectroscopy added to a fluid management protocol does not improve preservation of residual kidney function in incident hemodialysis patients in a randomized controlled trial'. Kidney International. DOI > view in repository >
- Smith, LE; Sim, J; Sherman, S; Amlot, R; Cutts, M; Dasch, H; Sevdalis, N; Rubin, GJ. 01-01-2023. 'Psychological factors associated with reporting side effects following COVID-19 vaccination: a prospective cohort study (CoVAccS – wave 3)'. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. DOI > view in repository >
- Smith, LE; Sherman, S; Sim, J; Amlôt, R; Cutts, M; Dasch, H; Sevdalis, N; Rubin, GJ. 27-12-2022. 'Parents’ intention to vaccinate their child for COVID-19: a mixed-methods study (CoVAccS – wave 3)'. PLoS One. DOI > view in repository >
- Purton, Judy; Sim, Julius; M. Hunter, Susan. 14-09-2022. 'Stroke survivors’ views on their priorities for upper-limb recovery and the availability of therapy services after stroke: a longitudinal, phenomenological study'. Disability and Rehabilitation. DOI > view in repository >
- Aries, Alison; Downing, Poppy; Sim, Julius; Hunter, Sue. 19-08-2022. 'Effectiveness of Somatosensory Stimulation for the Lower Limb and Foot to Improve Balance and Gait after Stroke: A Systematic Review'. Brain Sciences. DOI > view in repository >
- O'Shea, A; Drennan, J; Littlewood, C; Slater, H; Sim, J; McVeigh, JG. 22-06-2022. 'Barriers and facilitators related to self-management of shoulder pain: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis.'. Clinical Rehabilitation. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, Julius; Whelan, Gareth; Smith, Benjamin; Moffatt, Maria; Littlewood, Chris. 01-06-2022. 'Are Corticosteroid Injections Associated With Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency in Adults With Musculoskeletal Pain? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies'. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. DOI > view in repository >
- Hanna, Fahmy W F; Hancock, Sarah; George, Cherian; Clark, Alexander; Sim, Julius; Issa, Basil G; Powner, Gillian; Waldron, Julian; Duff, Christopher J; Lea, Simon C; Golash, Anurag; Sathiavageeswaran, Mahesh; Heald, Adrian H; Fryer, Anthony A. 01-01-2022. 'Adrenal Incidentaloma: Prevalence and Referral Patterns From Routine Practice in a Large UK University Teaching Hospital'. Journal of the Endocrine Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Smith, LE; Sim, J; Amlôt, R; Cutts, M; Dasch, H; Sevdalis, N; Rubin, GJ; Sherman, S. 01-01-2022. 'Side-effect expectations from COVID-19 vaccination: findings from a nationally representative cross-sectional survey (CoVAccS – wave 2)'. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. DOI > view in repository >
- Sherman, S.M.; Sim, J.; Cutts, M.; Rubin, G.J.; Sevdalis, N.; Smith, L.E.; Dasch, H.; Amlôt, R.. 01-01-2022. 'COVID-19 vaccination acceptability in the UK at the start of the vaccination programme: a nationally representative cross-sectional survey (CoVAccS – wave 2)'. Public Health. DOI > view in repository >
- Aburub, A; Sim, J; Hunter, SM. 01-12-2021. 'Aerobic exercise to improve cardiopulmonary function in Parkinson's: A systematic review'. Physiotherapy. DOI > view in repository >
- Sherman, S; Sim, J; Amlôt, R; Cutts, M; Dasch, H; Rubin, J; Sevdalis, N; Smith, L. 13-07-2021. 'Intention to have the seasonal influenza vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic among eligible adults in the UK'. BMJ Open. DOI > view in repository >
- Aries, A; Pomeroy, V; Sim, J; Read, S; Hunter, S. 05-07-2021. 'Sensory Stimulation of the Foot and Ankle Early Post-stroke: A Pilot and Feasibility Study'. Frontiers in Neurology. DOI > view in repository >
- Amlôt, Richard; M Sherman, Susan; Sim, Julius; Smith, LE; Dasch, Hannah; Rubin, GJ; Sevdalis, Nick; James Rubin, G; Cutts, Megan; Sherman, S; E Smith, Louise. 01-07-2021. 'Intention to have the seasonal influenza vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic among eligible adults in the UK: a cross-sectional survey'. BMJ Open. DOI > view in repository >
- O’shea, A.; Drennan, J.; Littlewood, C.; Slater, H.; Sim, J.; Mcveigh, J.. 01-06-2021. 'POS0161-HPR BARRIERS AND FACILITATORS RELATED TO SELF-MANAGEMENT OF SHOULDER PAIN: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND QUALITATIVE SYNTHESIS'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, Julius. 01-06-2021. 'Distinctive aspects of consent in pilot and feasibility studies'. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. DOI > view in repository >
- Sherman, S; Smith, LE; Sim, J; Amlôt, R; Cutts, M; Dasch, H; Rubin, GJ; Sevdalis, N. 26-11-2020. 'COVID-19 vaccination intention in the UK: results from the COVID-19 vaccination acceptability study (CoVAccS), a nationally representative cross-sectional survey.'. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. DOI > view in repository >
- Hanna, Fahmy W. F.; Issa, Basil; Lea, Simon; George, Cherian; Golash, Anourag; Firn, Mike; Sim, Julius; Xydopoulos, Georgios; Fordham, Richard; Fryer, Anthony. 15-04-2019. 'SAT-374 Adrenal Incidentaloma Management: Development of a Cost-Effectiveness Tool'. Journal of the Endocrine Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Hanna, Fahmy; Issa, Basil; Lea, Simon; George, Cherian; Golash, Anurag; Firn, Mike; Sim, Julius; Fryer, Anthony. 15-04-2019. 'SAT-373 Adrenal Incidentaloma Unidentified Case Load: Are We Dealing Only with the Tip of the Iceberg?'. Journal of the Endocrine Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Roffe, Christine; Sim, Julius; Gray, Richard. 06-02-2018. 'Prophylactic Low-Dose Oxygen for Patients With Acute Stroke—Reply'. JAMA. DOI > view in repository >
- Pugh‐Clarke, Karen; Cheryl Read, Sue; Sim, Julius. 01-12-2017. 'Symptom experience in non‐dialysis‐dependent chronic kidney disease: A qualitative descriptive study'. Journal of Renal Care. DOI > view in repository >
- Glossop, John R; Nixon, Nicola B; Emes, Richard D; Sim, Julius; Packham, Jon C; Mattey, Derek L; Farrell, William E; Fryer, Anthony A. 01-04-2017. 'DNA methylation at diagnosis is associated with response to disease-modifying drugs in early rheumatoid arthritis'. Epigenomics. DOI > view in repository >
- Hanratty, Catherine E.; Kerr, Daniel P.; Wilson, Iseult M.; McCracken, Martin; Sim, Julius; Basford, Jeffrey R.; McVeigh, Joseph G.. 01-09-2016. 'Physical Therapists' Perceptions and Use of Exercise in the Management of Subacromial Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Focus Group Study'. Physical Therapy. DOI > view in repository >
- Dawson, Angus; Sim, Julius. 01-10-2015. 'The nature and ethics of natural experiments'. Journal of Medical Ethics. DOI > view in repository >
- Richardson, Jane C.; Moore, Andrew J.; Bernard, Miriam; Jordan, Kelvin P.; Sim, Julius. 03-07-2015. 'Living Well With Chronic Pain in Later Life: The Role and Meaning of Activity and Involvement'. Activities, Adaptation & Aging. DOI > view in repository >
- Warusevitane, Anushka; Karunatilake, Dumin; Sim, Julius; Lally, Frank; Roffe, Christine. 01-02-2015. 'Safety and Effect of Metoclopramide to Prevent Pneumonia in Patients With Stroke Fed via Nasogastric Tubes Trial'. Stroke. DOI > view in repository >
- Egbewale, Bolaji E; Lewis, Martyn; Sim, Julius. 01-12-2014. 'Bias, precision and statistical power of analysis of covariance in the analysis of randomized trials with baseline imbalance: a simulation study'. BMC Medical Research Methodology. DOI > view in repository >
- Buckley, John P.; Quinlivan, Ros M.; Sim, Julius; Eston, Roger G.; Short, Deborah S.. 02-10-2014. 'Heart rate and perceived muscle pain responses to a functional walking test in McArdle disease'. Journal of Sports Sciences. DOI > view in repository >
- LIDDLE, JENNIFER; SCHARF, THOMAS; BARTLAM, BERNADETTE; BERNARD, MIRIAM; SIM, JULIUS. 01-10-2014. 'Exploring the age-friendliness of purpose-built retirement communities: evidence from England'. Ageing and Society. DOI > view in repository >
- Moore, Andrew J.; Richardson, Jane C.; Sim, Julius; Bernard, Miriam; Jordan, Kelvin P.. 01-06-2014. 'Older People’s Perceptions of Remaining Physically Active and Living With Chronic Pain'. Qualitative Health Research. DOI > view in repository >
- Chesterton, L. S.; Lewis, A. M.; Sim, J.; Mallen, C. D.; Mason, E. E.; Hay, E. M.; van der Windt, D. A.. 02-09-2013. 'Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as adjunct to primary care management for tennis elbow: pragmatic randomised controlled trial (TATE trial)'. BMJ. DOI > view in repository >
- Al-Omari, B.; Frisher, M.; Croft, P.; Sim, J.. 01-06-2013. 'FRI0567-PC Using adaptive choice based conjoint (ACBC) analysis to study patients’ preferences regarding pharmaceutical treatment for osteoarthritis (OA).'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. DOI > view in repository >
- Hanratty, C.E.; McVeigh, J.G.; Kerr, D.P.; Basford, J.R.; Finch, M.B.; Pendleton, A.; Sim, J.. 01-06-2013. 'FRI0462-HPR The effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises in subacromial impingement syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. DOI > view in repository >
- Winter, Jacqueline M.; Crome, Peter; Sim, Julius; Hunter, Susan M.. 01-04-2013. 'Effects of Mobilization and Tactile Stimulation on Chronic Upper-Limb Sensorimotor Dysfunction After Stroke'. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. DOI > view in repository >
- Winter, Jacqueline; Hunter, Susan; Sim, Julius; Crome, Peter. 20-10-2011. 'Hands-on therapy interventions for upper limb motor dysfunction following stroke.'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Chesterton, Linda S; van der Windt, Daniëlle A; Sim, Julius; Lewis, Martyn; Mallen, Christian D; Mason, Elizabeth E; Warlow, Catherine; Vohora, Kanchan; Hay, Elaine M. 01-12-2009. 'Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the management of tennis elbow: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial: the TATE trial (ISRCTN 87141084)'. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. DOI > view in repository >
- Al-Omari, Basem; Sim, Julius; Croft, Peter; Frisher, Martin. . 'PATIENT PREFERENCES FOR THE PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS: A FEASIBILITY STUDY USING ADAPTIVE CHOICE-BASED CONJOINT ANALYSIS (ACBCA)'. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare. DOI > view in repository >
- Smith, LE; Sherman, S; Sim, J; Amlôt, R; Cutts, M; Dasch, H; Sevdalis, N; Rubin, GJ. . 'Parents’ intention to vaccinate their child for COVID-19: a cross-sectional survey (CoVAccS – wave 3)'. PLoS ONE. DOI > view in repository >
- Mengshoel, Anne Marit; Sallinen, Merja; Sim, Julius; Ahlsen, Birgitte. 01-06-2025. 'Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis'. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health. DOI > view in repository >
- Sherman, Susan; Smith, Louise E.; Sim, Julius; Amlôt, Richard; Cutts, Megan; Dasch, Hannah; James Rubin, G; Sevdalis, Nick. 26-11-2020. 'COVID-19 vaccination intention in the UK: Results from the COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptability Study (CoVAccS), a nationally representative cross-sectional survey'. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. DOI > view in repository >
- Misra, G; Sim, J; Jerreat, S; Coia, T; Ritchie, J; O'Brien, S; Watts, K; El-Gizawy, Z. 01-11-2020. 'Laparoscopic ablation or excision with helium thermal coagulator versus electrodiathermy for the treatment of mild-to-moderate endometriosis: randomised controlled trial'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. DOI > view in repository >
- Misra, Gourab; Sim, Julius; Watts, Keira; Coia, Thomas. 01-11-2020. 'Authors' reply re: Laparoscopic ablation or excision with helium thermal coagulator versus electrodiathermy for the treatment of mild-to-moderate endometriosis: randomised controlled trial'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. DOI > view in repository >
- Weddell, J; Parr, E; Knight, S; Muddegowda, G; Natarajan, I; Chembala, J; Ferdinand, P; Ahmad, N; Pencz, Z; Rana, S; Warusevitane, A; Jadun, C; Nayak, S; Hashim, Z; Augustine, A; Sim, J; Roffe, C. 01-09-2020. 'Mechanical thrombectomy: can it be safely delivered out of hours in the UK?'. BMC Neurology. DOI > view in repository >
- Aburub, Aseel; Ledger, Sean J.; Sim, Julius; Hunter, Sue. 03-08-2020. 'Cardiopulmonary Function and Aerobic Exercise in Parkinson's: A Systematic Review of the Literature'. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim. 01-06-2020. 'Do we need rights in bioethics discourse?'. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. DOI > view in repository >
- Misra, G; Sim, J; El-Gizawy, Z; Watts, K; Jerreat, S; Coia, T; Ritchie, J; O'Brien, S. 27-04-2020. 'Laparoscopic ablation or excision with helium thermal coagulator versus electrodiathermy for the treatment of mild-to-moderate endometriosis: randomized controlled trial'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. DOI > view in repository >
- Purton, Judy; Sim, Julius; Hunter, S. 30-03-2020. 'The experience of upper-limb dysfunction after stroke: a phenomenological study'. Disability and Rehabilitation. DOI > view in repository >
- Hanna, FWF; Issa, BG; Lea, SC; George, C; Golash, A; Firn, M; Ogunmekan, S; Maddock, E; Sim, J; Xydopoulos, G; Fordham, R; Fryer, AA. 01-02-2020. 'Adrenal lesions found incidentally: how to improve clinical and cost-effectiveness'. BMJ Open Quality. DOI > view in repository >
- Di Paolo, G; Twomlow, E; Hanna, F; Farmer, A; Lancaster, J; Sim, J; Roffe, C. 07-11-2019. 'Continuous or intermittent? Which regiment of enteral nutrition is better for acute stroke patients? A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Online Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim. 28-08-2019. 'Should treatment effects be estimated in pilot and feasibility studies?'. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, Julius; Waterfield, Jackie. 16-07-2019. 'Focus group methodology: some ethical challenges'. Quality & Quantity. DOI > view in repository >
- Moore, Andrew J.; Richardson, Jane C.; Bernard, Miriam; Sim, Julius. 01-07-2019. 'Interpreting intracorporeal landscapes: how patients visualize pathophysiology and utilize medical images in their understanding of chronic musculoskeletal illness'. Disability and Rehabilitation. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim. 18-04-2019. 'Outcome-adaptive randomization in clinical trials: issues of participant welfare and autonomy'. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim. 01-04-2019. 'Outcome-adaptive randomization in clinical trials: issues of participant welfare and autonomy'. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. DOI > view in repository >
- Jordan, Kelvin; Sim, Julius; Croft, Peter; Blyth, Fiona. 01-02-2019. 'Pain That does not Interfere with Daily Life - a New Focus for Population Epidemiology and Public Health?'. Pain. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, Julius; Grocott, Natalie; Majeed, Haroon; McClelland, Damian. 01-01-2019. 'Effect on hospital length of stay of tourniquet use during internal fixation of ankle fracture: randomized controlled trial'. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, J; Mengshoel, Anne Marit; Ahlsen, Birgitte; Madden, Sue. 01-09-2018. 'Diagnostic experience of patients with fibromyalgia - A meta-ethnography'. CHRONIC ILLNESS. DOI > view in repository >
- Saunders, Benjamin; Sim, Julius; Kingstone, Tom; Baker, Shula; Waterfield, Jackie; Bartlam, Bernadette; Burroughs, Heather; Jinks, Clare. 01-07-2018. 'Saturation in qualitative research: exploring its conceptualization and operationalization'. Quality and Quantity. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, J; Saunders, B; Waterfield, J; Kingstone, T. 27-03-2018. 'The sample size debate: response to Norman Blaikie'. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, J; Saunders, B; Waterfield, J; Kingstone, T. 27-03-2018. 'Can sample size in qualitative research be determined a priori?'. Internatonal Journal of Social Research methodlology. DOI > view in repository >
- Bishop, J; Sim, J; Penaloza, C; Jowett, S; Gray, R; Ferdinand, P; Muddegowda, G; Ives, N; Nevatte, T; Roffe, C. 01-03-2018. 'Routine low-dose continuous or nocturnal oxygen for people with acute stroke: three-arm Stroke Oxygen Supplementation RCT.'. Health Technology Assessment. DOI > view in repository >
- Hanna, FWF; Issa, BG; Sim, J; Keevil, B; Fryer, AA. 18-01-2018. 'Management of incidental adrenal tumours.'. BMJ. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, J; Bishop, J; Gray, R; and the Stroke Oxygen Study Collaborative Group, Stroke Oxygen Study Investigators; Roffe, C; Nevatte, T; Ives, N; Ferdinand, P. 26-09-2017. 'Effect of Routine Low-Dose Oxygen Supplementation on Death and Disability in Adults With Acute Stroke: The Stroke Oxygen Study Randomized Clinical Trial.'. JAMA. DOI > view in repository >
- Shepherd, Thomas A; Edelstyn, Nicola MJ; Longshaw, Laura; Sim, Julius; Watts, Keira; Mayes, Andrew R; Murray, Michael; Ellis, Simon J. 06-07-2017. 'Feasibility of a randomized single-blind crossover trial to assess the effects of the second-generation slow-release dopamine agonists pramipexole and ropinirole on cued recall memory in idiopathic mild or moderate Parkinson’s disease without cognitive impairment'. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. DOI > view in repository >
- Davie, SJ; Coyle, D; Dasgupta, I; Andronis, L; Farrington, K; Wilkie, M; Mitra, S; Ormandy, P; Lindley, E; Macdonald, J; Solis-Trapala, I; Sim, J; Davenport, A; Caskey, FJ. 26-04-2017. 'Rationale and design of BISTRO: a randomized controlled trial to determine whether bioimpedance spectroscopy-guided fluid management maintains residual kidney function in incident haemodialysis patients'. BMC Nephrology. DOI > view in repository >
- Al-Omari, B; Sim, J; Croft, P; Frisher, M. 02-03-2017. 'Generating Individual Patient Preferences for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis Using Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint (ACBC) Analysis.'. Rheumatology and Therapy. DOI > view in repository >
- Barlas, P; Lewis, J; Sim, J. 20-01-2017. 'Acupuncture and electro-acupuncture for people diagnosed with subacromial pain syndrome: A multicentre randomized trial'. European Journal of Pain. DOI > view in repository >
- Mansfield, KE; Sim, J; Croft, P; Jordan, K. 01-01-2017. 'Identifying patients with chronic widespread pain in primary care.'. Pain. DOI > view in repository >
- Barrett, E; Hegedus, EJ; Sim, J; Lewis, JS; McCreesh, K. 11-11-2016. 'Inter-rater reliability of the Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure in people with shoulder pain'. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine. DOI > view in repository >
- Al-Najjim, M; Khattak, U; Sim, J; Chambers, I. 05-07-2016. 'Differences in subsidence rate between alternative designs of a commonly used uncemented femoral stem.'. Journal of Orthopaedics. DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, Julius; Teece, Lucy; Dennis, Martin S.; Roffe, Christine. 26-05-2016. 'Validation and Recalibration of Two Multivariable Prognostic Models for Survival and Independence in Acute Stroke'. PLoS One. DOI > view in repository >
- Warusevitane, A; Karunatilake, D; Sim, J; Smith, C; Roffe, C. 03-03-2016. 'Early Diagnosis of Pneumonia in Severe Stroke: Clinical Features and the Diagnostic Role of C-Reactive Protein'. PLoS One. DOI > view in repository >
- Fox, CL; Gadd, D; Sim, J. 01-09-2015. 'Development of the attitudes to domestic violence questionnaire for children and adolescents'. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI > view in repository >
- Lewis, M; Chesterton, L; Sim, J; Hay, E; Mallen, C; Van Der Windt, D. 28-08-2015. 'An Economic Evaluation of TENS in Addition to Usual Primary Care Management for the Treatment of Tennis Elbow: Results from the TATE Randomized Controlled Trial'. PLoS One. DOI > view in repository >
- Mansfield, Kathryn E.; Sim, Julius; Jordan, Joanne L.; Jordan, Kelvin P.. 06-08-2015. 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of chronic widespread pain in the general population.'. Pain. DOI > view in repository >
- Joseph, R; Sim, J; Ogollah, R; Lewis, M. 01-01-2015. 'A systematic review finds variable use of the intention-to-treat principle in musculoskeletal randomized controlled trials with missing data'. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. DOI > view in repository >
- Chesterton, Linda S; Lewis, A Martyn; Sim, Julius; Mallen, Christian D; Mason, Elizabeth E; Hay, Elaine M; van der Windt, Daniëlle A. 01-10-2014. 'Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as adjunct to primary care management for tennis elbow:'. British Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI > view in repository >
- Ives, Natalie; Sim, Julius; Gray, Richard; Roffe, Christine; Nevatte, Tracy; Howman, Andrew. 16-06-2014. 'Statistical analysis plan for the Stroke Oxygen Study (SO2S): a multi-center randomized controlled trial to assess whether routine oxygen supplementation in the first 72 hours after a stroke improves long-term outcome.'. Trials. DOI > view in repository >
- Roffe, C; Nevatte, T; Crome, P; Gray, R; Sim, J; Pountain, S; Handy, L; Handy, P. 31-03-2014. 'The Stroke Oxygen Study (SO2S) - a multi-center, study to assess whether routine oxygen treatment in the first 72 hours after a stroke improves long-term outcome: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.'. Trials. DOI > view in repository >
- Fox, CL; Corr, ML; Gadd, D; Sim, J. 30-01-2014. 'Evaluating the effectiveness of domestic abuse prevention education: Are certain children more or less receptive to the messages conveyed?'. Legal and Criminological Psychology. DOI > view in repository >
- Bartlam, B; Sim, J; Machin, L. 16-10-2013. 'Identifying vulnerability in grief: psychometric properties of the Adult Attitude to Grief scale'. Quality of Life Research. DOI > view in repository >
- Ali, Khalid; Warusevitane, Anushka; Lally, Frank; Sim, Julius; Sills, Sheila; Pountain, Sarah; Nevatte, Tracy; Allen, Martin; Roffe, Christine. 03-06-2013. 'The stroke oxygen pilot study: a randomized controlled trial of the effects of routine oxygen supplementation early after acute stroke--effect on key outcomes at six months'. PLoS One. DOI > view in repository >
- Barlas, P; Chesterton, LS; Sim, J; Claydon, LS. 01-06-2013. 'Alternating-frequency TENS effects on experimental pain in healthy human participants: a randomized placebo-controlled trial'. Clinical Journal of Pain. DOI > view in repository >
- Moore, A; Bernard, M; Richardson, J; Jordan, K; Sim, J. 01-09-2012. 'Distinctiveness of long-term pain that does not interfere with life: an observational cohort study.'. European Journal of Pain. DOI > view in repository >
- Chesterton, LS; Barlas, P; Sim, J; Claydon, LS. 01-09-2011. 'Dose-specific effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on experimental pain: a systematic review.'. The Clinical Journal of Pain. DOI > view in repository >
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Book Chapters
- Sim, Julius; Lancaster, Gillian; Lewis, Martyn. 01-01-2024. 'What do RCTs tell us, and could they tell us more? Looking within and beyond the study sample'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, Julius; Lancaster, G.; Lewis, A. M.. 18-05-2023. 'What do randomised trials tell us, and could they tell us more? Looking within and beyond the study sample'. . view in repository >
- Edelstyn, Nicola; Sim, Julius. 01-01-2020. 'From Planning to Implementation: The Challenges of Recruiting Older Adults With Parkinson’s to a Feasibility Trial'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Sim, J. 01-03-2018. 'Simple linear regression'. . view in repository >
- Sim, J. 01-03-2018. 'Multiple linear regression'. . view in repository >
- Sim, J. 01-03-2018. 'Grounded theory'. . view in repository >
- Sim, J. 01-03-2018. 'Analysis of covariance'. . view in repository >
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Conference Proceedings
- Sim, J. 08-05-2017. 'Outcome-adaptive randomization: some ethical issues'. . view in repository >
- Mansfield, Kathryn E.; Sim, Julius; Jordan, Kelvin P.. 01-04-2017. 'IDENTIFICATION OF CHRONIC WIDESPREAD PAIN IN PRIMARY CARE'. . view in repository >
- Dennis, M.; Graham, C.; Visvanathan, A.; Whiteley, W.; Roffe, C.; Sim, J.. 01-11-2016. 'Predicting outcomes of importance to stroke patients and their carers to assist decisions regarding treatments that enhance the chances of survival'. . view in repository >
- Sim, J.; Teece, L.; Dennis, M.; Roffe, C. 01-12-2015. 'Validation and recalibration of two prognostic models in acute stroke'. . view in repository >
- Potts, J.; Belcher, J.; Sim, J.; Roffe, C.. 01-04-2015. 'Methods for modeling stroke outcome data over time'. . view in repository >
- Nevatte, T; Sim, J; Gray, R; Ives, N; Bishop, J; Pountain, S; Crome, P; Roffe, C. 01-02-2015. 'The Effect Of Routine Oxygen Supplementation on Long Term Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life After Stroke: 6 and 12 Month Outcomes The Stroke Oxygen Study'. . view in repository >
- Warusevitane, A. B.; Karunatilake, D. S.; Sim, J.; Roffe, C.. 01-01-2014. 'High C-reactive protein is a better predictor of pneumonia after stroke than raised white cell count'. . view in repository >
- Roffe, C.; Crome, P.; Nevatte, T.; Gray, R.; Handy, L.; Handy, P.; Bell, P.; Sim, J.; Penaloza, C.; Jowett, S.. 01-12-2013. 'Stroke severity and mimics in patients recruited to the Stroke Oxygen Study (SOS)'. . view in repository >
- Roffe, C; Crome, P; Nevatte, T; Gray, R; Handy, L; Handy, P; Bell, P; Sim, J; Penaloza, C; Jowett, S; Collaborators, SO2S. 01-12-2013. 'Changes in the use of supplemental oxygen for stroke patients in the UK'. . view in repository >
- Scharf, T.; Liddle, J.; Bartlam, B.; Bernard, M.; Sim, J.. 01-09-2013. 'Assessing the Age-Friendliness of Purpose-Built Retirement Communities'. . view in repository >
- Chesterton, Linda; van der Windt, Danielle A.; Sim, Julius; Lewis, Martyn; Mallen, Christian D.; Mason, Elizabeth; Hay, Elaine. 01-04-2013. 'TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRICAL NERVE STIMULATION FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF TENNIS ELBOW: A PRAGMATIC RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL'. . view in repository >
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Presentation / Conferences
- Roffe, C.; Warusevitane, A.; Smith, C.; Dixit, A.; Sprigg, N.; Ogollah, R.; Sim, J.; Jowett, S.; Helliwell, B.; Phillips, N.; Mhlanga, I.; Havard, D.; Kurlak, L.; Skinner, C.; Palmer, J.; Thomson, M.; Latulipe, C.; Haywood, L.; Woodhouse, L.; Bath, P.. . 'Metoclopramide for Avoiding Pneumonia after Stroke (MAPS-2) Trial'. . view in repository >
- Mansfield, Kathryn E.; Sim, Julius; Jordan, Kelvin P.. . 'EPIDEMIOLOGY144. IDENTIFICATION OF CHRONIC WIDESPREAD PAIN IN PRIMARY CARE'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Purton, J; Hunter, S; Sim, J. . 'Therapy for the upper limb after stroke: a longitudinal, phenomenological study of the experiences and perceptions of stroke survivors.'. . view in repository >
- Hunter, Sue; Sim, Julius. . 'Hopes and expectations for recovery of the upper limb'. . view in repository >
- Mengshoel, AM; Sim, J; Ahlsen, B; Madden, S. 01-06-2017. 'THU0468 Diagnostic experience of patients with fibromyalgia – a systematic synthesis of qualitative studies'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Aries, Alison M.; Pomeroy, Valerie M.; Sim, Julius; Read, Sue; Hunter, Susan M.. . 'MoTaStim-Foot, a Randomized, Single-Blinded, Mixed-Methods, Feasibility Study Exploring Sensory Stimulation of the Foot and Ankle Early Poststroke'. . view in repository >
- Roffe, C; Bath, P; Warusevitane, A; Smith, C; Dixit, A; Sprigg, N; Helliwell, B; Phillips, N; Sim, J; Jowett, S; Ogollah, R. 01-10-2021. 'THE METOCLOPRAMIDE FOR AVOIDING PNEUMONIA AFTER STROKE (MAPS-2) TRIAL: A SINGLE-BLIND RCT OF METOCLOPRAMIDE FOR THE PREVENTION OF PNEUMONIA IN PATIENTS WITH DYSPHAGIA AFTER STROKE'. . view in repository >
- Royes, J; Sim, J; Ogollah, R; Lewis, M. . 'An empirical evaluation of the impact of missing data on treatment effect'. . DOI > view in repository >
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- Doherty, M.; Ernst, E.; Fisken, M.; Jones, G.; Lewith, G.; MacPherson, H.; Macfarlane, G.; Sim, J.; Tadman, J.. 01-01-2013. 'Practitioner-based complementary and alternative therapies for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and low back pain'. . view in repository >
- Sim, Julius. 01-01-2013. 'Fit as a Fiddle: Final Evaluation Report'. . view in repository >
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School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy
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Keele University
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