
I am a Senior Lecturer and recent Head of School of Allied Health Professions (AHP) at Keele University (2019-24). The School hosts @ 80 academics from varying allied health and exercise science specialist backgrounds.

I first joined the academic team at Keele initially as a Lecturer-Practitioner, concurrently working as a physiotherapy clinical-specialist at a Staffordshire NHS Trust. I have undertaken various School roles including Programme Director for the BSc Hons Physiotherapy Programme and School Director of Education, before becoming Head of School in 2019.

As Co-Chair of the Midlands Region AHP Faculty and Chair of the Staffordshire, Stoke on Trent AHP Faculty from 2020, I led a team of AHPs evaluating and exploring many AHP workforce workstreams including; AHPs returning to practice, over 55’s retention, international recruitment, support workforce career progression, including a particular focus on AHP transition from student to practitioner, optimising the pre-preceptorship and first year as a AHP graduate.

Research and scholarship

My research focus is physiotherapy in the management of inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions in particular, Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) and Rheumatoid arthritis. I am leading an international community of practice for physiotherapists working with people with PMR. I am the author of four chapters in rheumatology textbooks. I continue to present my work at national and international conferences and continue to be involved in national and regional-related research projects.

I am leading research relating to patient education in the management of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) and have recently co-produced an exercise and activity patient education resource with patients and health professionals. There are ongoing evaluation projects from this work.

I was awarded an NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship in 2015 and explored the role of physiotherapy in the management of PMR using a mixed methods approach for my doctoral studies. Prior to this I undertook a randomised controlled trial into the conservative management of hand therapy approaches in rheumatoid arthritis for an MPhil award.

I have presented both my clinical and educational research at the World Congress of Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy UK, American College of Rheumatology, European League against Rheumatism, British Society of Rheumatology and Midlands Rheumatology Society conferences over the past 20 years. I continue to be involved in national and regional rheumatology research projects.

Research themes

  • Inflammatory MSK conditions
  • Rehabilitation
  • Exercise and activity
  • Self-management approaches and patient education


I teach across several faculty undergraduate and postgraduate programmes from Level 3-8, am an academic mentor to students in the School, and I supervise research UG, PG and Professional doctorate students. I was joint course Director of ASPIRE; an inter-disciplinary PG rheumatology programme run with colleagues in the School of Nursing and Midwifery for 15 years.


Book chapters/publications

  • O’Brien, A.V., Eng, S., Mackie, S. L., Scrafton, N.,  Hider, S., Lyn Tan, A., McClean, C., Barber, J., Gundle, J., Lonsdale, M., Baxter, M. (2024). Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis PMRGCAuk Website/ Information and Advice/ Resources/ Maintaining movement, activity and exercise with PMR:
  • O’Brien, Anne. 01-01-2020. 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica'. . DOI > view in repository >
  • O'Brien, A. 01-01-2014. 'Overview of physiotherapy'. . view in repository >
  • Chadwick A 1998 Osteoarthritis in: Rheumatological Physiotherapy, David C, Lloyd J (Eds) Mosby Publications, 83- 96.
  • Chadwick A 1998 Vasculitidies in: Rheumatological Physiotherapy, David C, Lloyd J (Eds) Mosby Publications, 145 - 153.

Journal Articles

  • Salt, E.; Jackman, K.; O’Brien, A. V..(2023. 'Evaluation of Staffordshire, Stoke on Trent Allied Health Professionals preceptorship programmes: a mixed method UK study'. BMC Medical Education. DOI > view in repository >
  • Austin, Keziah; Dures, Emma; Almeida, Celia; Cramp, Fiona; Guly, Catherine M.; Hill, Catherine L.; Hoon, Elizabeth A.; Mackie, Sarah; O'Brien, Anne V.; Watts, Richard A.; Robson, Joanna C.. 01-01-2022. 'Patient Perceptions of Physical Activity After a Diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis: Analysis of Multinational Qualitative Data'. Arthritis Care & Research. DOI > view in repository >
  • O'Brien, Anne V.; Liddle, Jennifer; Muller, Sara; Thomas, Martin J.; Mallen, Christian D.. 01-04-2019. 'WHAT IS THE ROLE OF UK PHYSIOTHERAPISTS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE WITH POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA? FINDINGS FROM A QUALITATIVE STUDY'. RHEUMATOLOGY. DOI > view in repository >
  • O'Brien, A; Muller, S; Liddle, J; Thomas, M; Mallen, C. 01-01-2019. 'The emerging role of physiotherapists in the management of people with Polymyalgia Rheumatica; findings from a UK qualitative study'. Physiotherapy. DOI > view in repository >
  • Muller, Sara; O'Brien, Anne; Helliwell, Toby; Hay, Charles A; Gilbert, Kate; Mallen, Christian D; Busby, Kathryn. 01-12-2018. 'Support available for and perceived priorities of people with polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis: results of the PMRGCAuk members’ survey 2017'. Clinical Rheumatology. DOI > view in repository >
  • O'Brien, AV; Bosworth, A; Cox, M; Jones, PW; Sargeant, I; Elliot, A; Bukhari, M. 14-09-2015. 'Development and validation of a Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other rheumatic conditions'. Current Rheumatology Reviews. DOI > view in repository >
  • Bukhari, Marwan; Bosworth, Ailsa; Cox, Maureen; O'Brien, Anne; Jones, Peter; Sargeant, Ify; Elliott, Alison. 01-04-2014. '98. Modification of a Validated Patient-Reported Experience Measure Tool for Rheumatoid Arthritis for Use in Other Rheumatic Conditions: Results of a Pilot Study'. Rheumatology. DOI > view in repository >


  • O'Brien A. Polymyalgia Rheumatica. In Nursing Older People With Arthritis and Other Rheumatological Conditions - Perspectives in Nursing Management and Care for Older Adults. (12 vols.). Springer. doi> link>
  • O'Brien AV and Backman C. 2010. Inflammatory arthritis. In Rheumatology - Evidence-based Practice for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists. Dziedzic K and Hammond A (Eds.). Edinburgh,: Elsevier.
  • Chadwick A. 1998. Osteoarthritis. In Rheumatological Physiotherapy,. David C and Lloyd J (Eds.). London: Mosby Publications..
  • Chadwick A. 1998. Vasculitides. In Rheumatological Physiotherapy. David C and Lloyd J (Eds.). London: Mosby Publications..
  • O'Brien AV. Overview of physiotherapy. In Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology. (4th ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Conference proceedings

  • Enyinnaya, I.C., McAloon, M., Ahmed, N., O’Brien, A.V. (2024) The Effectiveness of Footwear Adaptation on Functional Outcomes in People with First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis, British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists Conference 6th September 2024
  • O’Brien, A.V., Sudron, C., Sehijpal, N., Parker, J., Heath, A., Fletcher, R., Curtis, K, Sylvester T. (2024) Celebrating Staffordshire Stoke on Trent’s Allied Health Professions Faculty 2021-2024. On line webinar 20.6.24 via MS Teams
  • O’Brien, A.V., Eng, S., Mackie, S. L., Scrafton, N., Hider, S., Lyn Tan, A., McClean, C., Barber, J., Gundle, J., Lonsdale, M., Baxter, M. (2024) Exercise and activity in polymyalgia rheumatica: co-creating an education resource acceptable to patients and health professionals. Rheumatology 63 (Supplement_1), keae163. 221. British Society of Rheumatology Annual Conference, April 24 – Liverpool, UK.
  • O’Brien A.V., Eng, S., Mackie, S. L., Scrafton, N., Hider, S., Lyn Tan, A., McClean, C., Barber, J., Gundle, J., Lonsdale, M., Baxter, M. (2024) Co-production of an exercise patient education resource for polymyalgia rheumatica. PMRGCAuk International Launch Webinar, January 2024 -
  • O’Brien, A.V., Sudron, C., Fletcher, R., Parker, J., Sehijpal, N., Heath, A. An evaluation of AHP Pre-preceptorship in the  Midlands: a mixed methods approach. NHS England Webinar. January 2024
  • Whittaker, R., O’Brien, A.V., Dattani, J., Sudron, C. (2023) Exploring AHP Private, Independent and Voluntary Organisations (PIVO) in Staffordshire, Stoke on Trent Integrated Care Systems (ICS) - A scoping exercise. SSOT AHP Conference online. Nov 23
  • Fletcher, R., O’Brien, A.V., Sudron, C., Dattani, J. (2023) Pre-preceptorship – Confidence of AHPs transitioning into First Contact Practitioner roles. Staffordshire Stoke on Trent ICS AHP Conference Nov 15th Online
  • O’Brien, A.V., Sudron, C. (2023) The SSOT AHP Faculty: Purpose and Projects – SSOT AHP Conference. November 15th 2023: Online
  • O’Brien, A.V., Salt, E., Jackman, K. (2023) Celebrating MDT Research: The evaluation of Staffordshire Stoke on Trent AHP’s Preceptorship programmes. Oct 19th 2022, Birmingham
  • Nichol, C., Edwards, H., O’Brien A.V., Stapleton, C. (2022) Widening the cultural conversation: The impact of a larger audience in decolonising UK physiotherapy degree curriculums, let’s get global.  South Africa Society of Physiotherapy Congress. Cape Town. Sept 16-18th 2022
  • Edwards, H., Nichol, C., O’Brien, A.V. (2022) COVID and UK Physiotherapy student placements education: Keele University academic reflections on student and practice educator impact and management. South Africa Society of Physiotherapy Congress. Cape Town. Sept 16-18th 2022
  • Edwards, H, Nichol, C, Pearsall, V, Green, K, and O’Brien, A V. (2021) COVID-19: Keele University (UK) academics’ reflections on the impact, challenges and innovations with physiotherapy placement education. Advance HE Conference. St, Andrews, Scotland, UK July 6-8th 2021
  • O’Brien, A.V., Salt, E., Jackman, K. (2021) Introducing the SSOT AHP Faculty: Purpose and Projects – SSOT AHP Conference. October 7th 2021: Online
  • O’Brien, A.V., Conover, S. (2021) Innovation and Collaboration: The evolution of the new Keele MSc Prosthetics and Orthotics Programme. SSOT AHP Conference. October 7th 2021: Online
  • Wong, C.Y., O’Brien, A.V (2019). Simulation as innovation in undergraduate physiotherapy assessments: does this enhance patient outcome and experience? A qualitative study. Physiotherapy (Physiotherapy UK Conference, Birmingham September 2019)
  • Edwards, H., Munford, V., O’Brien, A., Pandyan, A. (2019) Same Content, Different Countries, Different Standards: International experienced physiotherapy educators’ opinions on online training course inclusions. Networking for Education in Healthcare 2019 conference, Keele University. (September 2019)
  • Austin, K., Dures, E., Almeida, C., Cramp, F., Gilbert,K.,Guly, C., Mackie, S., O’Brien, A., Watts, R., Robson, J. (2019) Patient perceptions of physical activity after a diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis: a secondary analysis of multi-national qualitative data. EULAR Conference, Madrid, 12-15 June 2019
  • O’Brien, A.V., Liddle, J., Muller, S., Thomas, M.J., Mallen, C.D. (2019) Uncertainty and inconsistency: challenges to overcome for UK physiotherapists in the management of people with polymyalgia rheumatica. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, Geneva, Switzerland. May 10-13th 2019.
  • O’Brien, A.V., Liddle, J., Muller, S., Thomas, M.J., Mallen, C.D. (2019) What is the role of UK physiotherapists in the management of people with Polymyalgia Rheumatica? - Findings from a qualitative study. British Society of Rheumatology Annual Conference. Birmingham, April 30th-May 2nd 2019.
  • O’Brien, A.V., Liddle, J., Muller, S., Thomas, M.J., Mallen, C.D. (2019) The emerging role of physiotherapists in the management of people with PMR. Physiotherapy. 105 (1): 178-9. Publisher Elsevier Ltd DOI 1016/
  • Invited speaker PMRGCAuk Charity (London Group) The role of physiotherapy in PMR – Research to date - Oct 2018
  • Invited Speaker: Rehabilitation Research Group – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Keele University: "Mixed methods approaches: opportunities and challenges encountered in the Physiotherapy in Polymyalgia Rheumatica study", March 2018
  • O’Brien, A.V.; Liddle, J.; Muller, S.; Thomas, M.J.; Mallen, C.D. (2018) UK Physiotherapists’ experiences and treatment priorities for patients with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): preliminary findings from a qualitative study. Society of Research in Rehabilitation Winter Programme: theme – Rehabilitation Research – Evidence into Practice. Bristol, 6th February 2018.
  • O’Brien, A.V., Muller, S.; Liddle, J.; Thomas, M.J.; Mallen, C.D. (2017) Physiotherapy in Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): building a UK evidence base. Research In Musculoskeletal Epidemiology UK (RIME) Conference, Oxford, October 2017
  • Invited speaker PMRGCAuk annual members meeting, It hurts!.. Should I move or rest? Physiotherapy in Polymyalgia Rheumatica: the story so far (in the UK), London, UK, September 2017
  • O’Brien AV, Liddle J, Muller S, Lawton SA, Whittle R, Mason E, Mallen CD (2017) Current physiotherapy practice and assessment in Polymyalgia Rheumatica: a UK cross-sectional survey. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, Cape town, South Africa, 2-4 July 2017
  • O'Brien, A. V.; Torney, L.; Baxter, S.; Johnson, C. D.; Taylor, A.; Owen, P.; Dudley, R.; Turner, A.. 01-01-2017. 'From student recruitment to graduation: How are we developing the Physiotherapy leaders of the future in the West Midlands?'. . view in repository >
  • Bosworth, A.; Cox, M.; Johnstone, G.; Shah, P.; O'Brien, A. V.; Jones, P.; Sargeant, I.; Bukhari, M.. 01-01-2013. 'Development of patient-reported experience measures for rheumatoid arthritis: results of a pilot study'. . view in repository >
  • O'Brien, A. V.; Bukhari, M.; Jones, P.; Sargeant, I.; Cox, M.; Elliot, A.; Bullock, S.; O'Brien, A. V.; Bosworth, A.. 01-01-2013. 'Validation Of a Patient Reported Experience Measure In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis.'. . view in repository >
  • Williams, M. A.; Heine, P.; McConkey, C.; Lord, J.; Dosanjh, S.; Williamson, E.; Adams, J.; Underwood, M.; Lamb, S.; SARAH trial, team. 01-01-2013. 'SARAH: Strengthening and stretching for people with rheumatoid arthritis of the hands: a randomised controlled trial.'. . view in repository >


  • O’Brien, Anne V; Eng, Sookhoe; Mackie, Sarah L; Scrafton, Nicola; Hider, Samantha; Tan, Ai Lyn; McClean, Catherine; Barber, John; Gundle, Jo; Lonsdale, Maria; Baxter, Matthew. . 'P182 Exercise and activity in polymyalgia rheumatica: co-creating an education resource acceptable to patients and health professionals'. . DOI > view in repository >
  • O'Brien, A. V.; Liddle, J.; Muller, S.; Lawton, S.; Whittle, R.; Mason, E.; Mallen, C. D.. . 'Current physiotherapy practice and assessment in Polymyalgia Rheumatica: a UK cross-sectional survey.'. . view in repository >
  • Austin, Keziah; Dures, Emma; Almeida, Celia; Cramp, Fiona; Gilbert, Kate; Guly, Catherine; Hill, Catherine; Mackie, Sarah; O’brien, Anne; Watts, Richard; Robson, Joanna. 01-06-2019. 'SAT0216 PATIENT PERCEPTIONS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AFTER A DIAGNOSIS OF GIANT CELL ARTERITIS: A SECONDARY ANALYSIS OF MULTINATIONAL QUALITATIVE DATA'. . DOI > view in repository >


I supervise research for UG, PG and Professional doctorate students and have been a mentor for regional AHP and nursing colleagues for the past two decades.

Collaborations and grants awards

  • £10,000 PMRGCAuk Charity – Lead applicant and Principle Investigator for inter-disciplinary national funding bid: A study to co-design an information /exercise leaflet to enhance physical activity for people living with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. June 2022
  • £100,000 Staffordshire Stoke on Trent AHP Faculty Workstream Projects Sept 21 – Health Education England (HEE) (West Midlands)
  • £63,000 HEE funding for Clinical Placement Expansion Programme (CPEP) - Sept 2021
  • £10,000 HEE Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) bid – Jan 2021 – Workforce Project Lead
  • £72,000 HEE Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) bid – Nov 2020 Simulation for AHP Students
  • £100,000 Health Education England Placement expansion bid with Clinical Partners, UHNM and MPFT NHS Foundation Trusts, and Royal Wolverhampton NHS Foundation Trust. July 2020
  • £1,000 Robert Williams Award – Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (2017)
  • £400,000 – NIHR Clinical Doctoral Fellowship funding (2015-2018)
  • £34,434 Arthritis Research Campaign – Education Sub-Committee (2005) “Standards, barriers and solutions for undergraduate rheumatology education for nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy students in the UK” (Ref 16503)
  • £20,000 Arthritis Research Campaign – Education Sub-Committee (2003) – Teaching the Teachers Conference – 2004
  • £13,000 Arthritis Research Campaign – Education Sub-Committee (2002) – Provision of rheumatology education for nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy in the United Kingdom
  • £1,000 Birmingham Branch of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (1999)


More recent funded pedagogic research included an exploration of how Universities develop leadership within pre-registration healthcare programmes in the West Midlands. I have also evaluated with students via mixed methods the role of modelling (patient simulation) in UG student learning.

I have published five chapters in rheumatology textbooks, most recently writing a chapter on Polymyalgia Rheumatica for a new Nursing textbook entitled “Nursing older people with arthritis and other rheumatological conditions” and have ventured into Podcasting as an invited speaker for MDTea Polymyalgia Rheumatica.


I am an approved external examiner for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and current external examiner for the BSc Hons Physiotherapy Apprenticeship route at Brighton University. I am a member of the Health and Care Professions Council, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, the British Health Professionals in Rheumatology and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

I have chaired Best Practice Award Presentations on behalf of the British Society of Rheumatology, professional and regulatory health professional and Nursing validation panels/ approval events on behalf of the Health and Care Professions Council, and Internal Quality Audits for Keele University.

I continue to be a mentor to AHP and other health professional colleagues from around the UK.

School address:
School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy
MacKay Building
Hornbeam Building
Keele University

Placements team:
Postgraduate course admin team:
Undergraduate course admin team:

Undergraduate enquiries:
Tel: +44 (0)1782 734010

Pharmacy postgraduate enquiries:
Please contact the CPD4ALL team:
Pharmacy email:

Keele Centre for Medicines Optimisation (KCMO)
Tel: +44 (0)1782 733831 / 734131

The Virtual Patient project enquiries:
Contact our Digital Development team: