

DPrac, PgCert, PgCert, BSc (Hons), NTF, SFHEA

Professor Naomi Shiner is the Faculty Director of Simulation across Medicine and the Health Sciences at Keele University. Naomi is a diagnostic radiographer specialising in reporting radiography by background. During her time in clinical practice, Naomi has worked at large teaching hospitals in Nottingham and in Inverness. Leading the conventional imaging department and linked community sites across the Highlands.

Naomi moved into academia in 2013 working first at Robert Gordon University and later on at Derby University. Her interest in simulation led to the completion of her Doctorate in professional practice in 2022. Her thesis is entitled 'The role of simulation and moulage on emotional labour in first-year diagnostic radiography students when seeing open wounds in a clinical setting.'

Amongst others, her external roles include chairing the Society of Radiographers simulation specialist interest group and an executive committee member for the Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (UK). Naomi’s expertise, research, and guidance in simulation contributed to her National Teaching Fellowship award in 2022.

School address:
School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy
MacKay Building
Hornbeam Building
Keele University

Placements team: sahp.practiceplacements@keele.ac.uk
Postgraduate course admin team: sahp.postgraduate-admin@keele.ac.uk
Undergraduate course admin team: sahp.admin@keele.ac.uk

Undergraduate enquiries:
Email: enquiries@keele.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1782 734010

Pharmacy postgraduate enquiries:
Please contact the CPD4ALL team: cpd4all@keele.ac.uk
Pharmacy email: phab.postgraduate@keele.ac.uk

Keele Centre for Medicines Optimisation (KCMO)
Tel: +44 (0)1782 733831 / 734131

The Virtual Patient project enquiries:
Contact our Digital Development team:
Email: pharmacy.digital@keele.ac.uk