

Naveed Ahmed graduated from Pakistan Institute of Prosthetic and Orthotic Sciences (PIPOS), Pakistan in 2008. He then completed his Master in Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology from University of Dundee, in 2014. After graduation for 6 years, he worked at PIPOS, teaching Prosthetics and Orthotics undergraduate students. This includes two years of seconded period to work at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IPM&R), DOW University of Health Sciences, Karachi. In 2015 he moved to Saudi Arabia and worked for 6 years at Taibah University before joining School of Allied Health Professions, Keele University in Sept-2021.

School address:
School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy
MacKay Building
Hornbeam Building
Keele University

Placements team: sahp.practiceplacements@keele.ac.uk
Postgraduate course admin team: sahp.postgraduate-admin@keele.ac.uk
Undergraduate course admin team: sahp.admin@keele.ac.uk

Undergraduate enquiries:
Email: enquiries@keele.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1782 734010

Pharmacy postgraduate enquiries:
Please contact the CPD4ALL team: cpd4all@keele.ac.uk
Pharmacy email: phab.postgraduate@keele.ac.uk

Keele Centre for Medicines Optimisation (KCMO)
Tel: +44 (0)1782 733831 / 734131

The Virtual Patient project enquiries:
Contact our Digital Development team:
Email: pharmacy.digital@keele.ac.uk