
I qualified in 1972 and after house jobs I have worked almost exclusively in obstetrics and gynaecology.  These have been a combination of pure clinical posts, research posts but most often clinical academic posts which have included predominantly clinical work.     

This has allowed me to work in clinical academic units of major teaching hospitals including University of Nottingham, John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford, a pure clinical rotation between Brighton and the Middlesex Hospital London, a clinical lecturer posts back in Nottingham, a Consultant/Senior Lecturer post at Royal Free Hospital Medical School, University of London and most recently since 1989 Foundation Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Keele University Medical  School in Stoke-on-Trent North Staffordshire. 

I have undertaken active research throughout this time having two half day sessions per week in most posts.  I have produced over 300 publications including abstracts, peer-reviewed articles and original papers, 38 book chapters and 16 text books as author or senior editor.

Although I have been an academic obstetrician and gynaecologist I have always maintained a busy clinical practice.  These include gynaecology clinics, antenatal clinics with an emphasis on the high risk areas of teenage pregnancy and substance abuse. I do a weekly operating list of majors and minors and have the same on call commitment as my NHS colleagues.  I have focussed progressively more on medical and diagnostic gynaecology.

I have contributed significantly to Royal College activity through many roles, most recently as RCOG Vice President responsible for standards, including patient safety, professional standards, clinical standards and the broad area of the NHS reforms. I intend to continue in active clinical and academic practice at least until my retirement age (65) but beyond if legislation permits.  

Research and scholarship

Obstetrics research areas include pre-eclampsia, fetal monitoring by computerised ECG and Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy, labour war management including instrumental delivery and perineal trauma. 

My gynaecological research and writing has covered gynaecological endocrinology, menopause with my most notable output in the field of medical and diagnostic gynaecology, disorders of the menstrual cycle, particularly disorders of the menstrual cycle and premenstrual syndrome.

Research Grants Since 2000 (under reconstruction pending new website)

2010    £600,000 -  Quantify Disorders of Menstrual Cycle - Schering  
2004    Salary Research Fellow - Genetics PMS - Nuffield Hospital
2004    £3,000 - per patient payment - Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical 
2005    £473,172 -  The Health Foundation Training Perineal Trauma
2004    £51,101 - Clinical Trials Co-ordinator - N.Staffs NHS R&D 
2004    £1.2 M - Co-Principal Investigator of Multicentre study only £85,000 to Keele GOPEC Study - BHF
2003    £9,850 - SIFT spectrometry in detecting ovulation - NSMI
2003    £30,000 - Light therapy in PMS: RCT - Dezac/Forest Institute 
2000    £10,000 - Neural Networks in Endometriosis NSMI
2000    £9,760 - Computer-based feedback of menstrual loss - NSMI 
2000    £10,000 - Genetics of pre-eclampsia: a male factor? - NSMI 
2000    £5,000 - Computing support PMS projects - Keele 
2000    £210,000 -  Luteal Fluoxetine in PMS - Lilly Pharmaceutical


I have extensive undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience; this includes direct teaching and the establishment of professional practice and examination courses. I have been College tutor for RCOG and Postgraduate Clinical Tutor for the Trust. I have lectured at courses and conferences world wide as I have examined for theses and postgraduate examinations.

Postgraduate Theses Since 2000 (under reconstruction pending new website)

DSc [Submitted 2007]                        Prof PMS O’Brien: Disorders Menstrual Cycle
PhD Keele [Submitted 2007]               Mr Khaled Ismail:     Genetics of PMS
PhD Keele [2006]                               Dr Ruwan Fernando: Repair of Perineum
MPhil Keele [2003]                             Mrs D Stokes: Ultrasound of early pregnancy 
PhD Keele [Awarded 2002]                 Mrs C Kettle: Techniques in Perineal Repair
MPhil Keele [2001]                             Miss B Bloor: 2nd Trimester Ultrasound scans
PhD Keele [Awarded 2002]                 Mrs C Kettle: Techniques in Perineal Repair
MPhil Keele [2001]                             Miss B Bloor: 2nd Trimester Ultrasound Scans

Theses Examined since 2000 

MD Thesis    University of London (2005)
MD Thesis    Keele University (2003)
MPhil Thesis Keele University (2002)
PhD Thesis    Keele University (2002)

Further information


2004- 2007           Vice President RCOG

2002 - 2005          Chairman North Staffordshire Medical Institute
1996 - 2000           Postgraduate Clinical Tutor North Staffordshire

1984 – 1989          Senior Lecturer and Consultant Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine   University of London                  


1980-1984                 Lecturer/Senior Registrar University Hospital Nottingham

1979 - 1980               Lecturer/Registrar City Hospital Nottingham

1979 - 1979               Registrar Middlesex Hospital & Soho Hospital for Women

1978 - 1979               Registrar Brighton Hospitals

1977 - 1978               SHO O & G John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford
1976 - 1977               SHO Gynaecology City Hospital Nottingham

1975 - 1976               Research Fellow University of Nottingham

1974 - 1975               SHO   Gynaecological Pathology Nottingham
1973 - 1974               SHO Obstetrics & Gynaecology City Hospital Nottingham

1973 - 1973               House Physician General Hospital Nottingham

1972 - 1973               House Surgeon University Hospital of Wales


  • GMC Fitness to Practice
  • Health Foundation Engaging with Quality Initiative
  • Payment by Results
  • Home and Water Births
  • Obesity in Pregnancy
  • GMC Licensing and revalidation

Clinical Excellence Awards Responsible for RCOG CEAsAttended Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards annual Effected new Clinical Excellence Awards system designed and introduced by ACCEA.

  • Brought Nominal Roll into College system.
  • Designed and introduced objective scoring system.
  • Improved communications with Members and Fellows

Introduced audit and monitoring of College procedures. Department of Health and NHS programmes

  • National Service Framework Implementation and Mapping Group*
  • Clinical Informatics—NHS Information Agency*
  • Improving Working Lives—NHS*
  • Skills for Health—DH*
  • Maternity Support Worker Programme—NHS*
  • Screening—DH

National Children’s and Maternity Service Expert Reference Group for Child Health and Maternity and CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) Mapping—DH*NCAA meeting—Getting beyond the concern Alliance for the Safety of Patients meetings*Care Record Development Board—NHS*National Clinical Assessment Authority*

  • NPSA Medical Advisory Panel*
  • Health Foundation Engaging with Quality Initiative*
  • 18 week pathways—DH*
  • NHS Knowledge Base Internet Launch
  • Choose and Book—NHS*
  • NCAS Annual Conference
  • Accelerated Policy Making Day, DH
  • NHS Litigation Authority Professional Advisory Panel*


  • Attended BAMM Professional Council Meetings*
  • Surgery Specialist Assessment working group
  • Medical Protection Societies’ Dinner
  • Royal College of Physicians Medical Professionalism Conference
  • Meetings at House of Commons*
  • RCM PEARLS Engaging with Quality meetings*

The following can found in my full CV
           Full publication list 
           Extensive contribution to RCOG
           Responsibilities abroad
           Invited lectures
           Management responsibilities
           Postgraduate and undergraduate teaching
           Outside interests



EDUCATION   Grammar School Pontypridd  1960-67
MEDICAL EDUCATION Welsh National School of Medicine 1967-72
  MD    1979
  MRCOG  1979
  FRCOG  1991
  DSc  2008



  • MRCOG Parts I and II Delhi
  • MRCOG Parts I and II Bangalore
  • MRCOG Parts I and II Dubai


   Sophian Research Scholarship 1975  
    Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists
    The Renin Angiotensin System in PMS & the Menstrual Cycle      
    Gladys Dodds’ Prize RCOG: Best original Paper 1993                 
    Near Infra-red Spectroscopy for Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring

    Poster Prize 27th British RCOG Congress  Dublin  1995
    Quantification of premenstrual syndrome using a simple 
    patient - operated hand-held  Computer-device
    Best Clinical Teacher Award,  UCL 2000  
    This Reflects Teaching in Medical & Diagnostic Gynaecology

    Best Scientific Paper International RCOG Congress, Sydney 2002
    Computerised quantification of Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle

    ALPSP/Charlesworth Publishing Award  2003
    “The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist”, RCOG

    A+ merit award by ACDA 2002                                         
    Renewed by ACCEA 2007


Founder & Founding Editor-in-Chief: The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, CPD Journal Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1999 - 2004
Publications Officer RCOG 1996 - 1999
Editor of Study Group Proceedings RCOG Press 1997 - 2000
Editor of RCOG Year Book 1997-2000
Editor of two Editions of research methodology textbook for RCOG Press
Editor and author of MRCOG series book for RCOG Press
2000   Placenta: Basic Science and Clinical Practice 
2000   Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle 
2006   Psychological Problems in Obstetrics for the      MRCOG and Beyond 
2007   Introduction to Research Methods for Specialists & Trainees (2nd Edn)  
2007   The Premenstrual Syndromes: PMS & PMDD Informa Healthcare 

  • Member of International Editorial Board Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology Churchill Livingstone 1994 - 2002
  • Member of Publications Management Committee RCOG 1996 – 2004
  • Member of International Editorial Board Pan Minerva Medica Member of Editorial Board – Midlands Medicine 2002- 5
  • Member Editorial Board: Essential Obstetrics Churchill Livingstone Member BJOG Management Board 2004-7   

Appendix – List of Responsibilities as Vice President RCOG

  • approving elevation of UK Members to Fellowship.
  • approving every consultant job description in England and Wales.
  • helping doctors in difficulty
  • reviews of units in trouble
  • reviews of hospital reconfigurations
  • other clinical governance issues.
  • Devised Recruitment Prospectus and oversaw production
  • Meeting to discuss obstetric standards and the reconfiguration of service in North London

College MeetingsWrote standards section of College Strategy, took part in strategy reviews

  • Chaired several eponymous lectures, e.g. Victor Bonney Society Lecture, Fletcher Shaw Lecture, Wyeth Historical Lecture, J Y Simpson Oration
  • Chaired Working Parties
    • Regional College Advisers
    •  Clinical Tutors’ Meeting
  • Attended North West Consultants’ Meeting
  • Attended meetings with specialist societies
  • Attended interviews for Chairmen of various College Committees
  • Wrote and took part in College entertainments at Christmas
  • Lessons from Litigation—in association with APIL (Association of Personal Injury Lawyers)
  • Chaired Impact of STIs and HIV on Women’s Reproductive Health, joint RCOG/BASHH conference
  • New Consultants’ Forum
  • Gynaecological Travellers’ Club
  • Gynaecological Research Society
  • Attended Members’ and Fellows’ admission ceremonies held twice a year.
  • Attended meetings of Heads of College Departments
  • Gave lecture for Consumers’ Forum
  • Attended lectures given by Fellows
  • Meeting of Northern Ireland Consultants


  • FIGO Conference in Malaysia
  • RCOG International Congress in Cairo
  • Regular meetings of RCOG Officers and Officers of Other Colleges, e.g. RCM, RCGP, German College of O&G, French College of O&G*
  • Reception for Iraqi Members and Fellows
  • Meetings of EBCOG Council in Brussels and Barcelona*
  • Meetings of BMA UEMS*
  • All-India Central Committee Conference in Delhi
  • Southern India Conference in Bangalore
  • CME meeting in Trichur
  • Jordanian Committee conference in Amman
  • Attended meeting with group of Croatian obstetricians and gynaecologists
  • Annual meetings with doctors from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

College Committees attended

  • Council (Officer) held every other month*
  • Finance and Executive Committee (Officer) held every month*
  • Standards Board (Chairman) held quarterly*
  • Education Board (Ex Officio) held every other month*
  • Services Board (Ex Officio) held four times a year*
  • International Board (Ex officio) held twice a year*
  • Guidelines and Audit Committee (Ex officio) held four times a year*
  • Professional Standards Committee (Ex officio) held four times a year*
  • Meetings Committee (Ex officio) held four times a year*
  • Consumers’ Forum held three times a year*
  • Publications Management Committee (Ex officio) held four times a year*
  • Weekly Officers’ Meeting (Officer)*
  • Independent Reconfiguration Panel (Chairman) held ad hoc
  • Senior Staff Conference held every year*
  • RCOG meeting with specialist societies held twice a year*
  • RCOG/RCPCH/RCM Joint Standing Committee meetings held three times a year*

College Working Parties and Study Groups

  • Bridging the Gap Between Appraisal and Assessment*
  • Coroners’ Issues Working Party (Chairman)*
  • Consultant Appointments working group*
  • Data and Workforce Working Party*
  • Data Collection Working Party*
  • Maternity Standards Working Party*
  • Performance and Service Reviews Working Group*
  • Recruitment and Retention Focus Group*
  • Regional Advisers’ Working Party*
  • Roles and Responsibilities of College Tutors*
  • Safer Childbirth Working Party*
  • Work-Life Balance Sub-Group*
  • College Tutors working group*
  • Laparoscopy validation meeting
  • Working Party on assessment tools / for doctors in further training

TEXT BOOKS 2000 - 2007 (under re-construction)

O’Brien PMS, Rapkin A and Schmidt P (2007) The Premenstrual Syndromes: PMS & PMDD.  Informa Healthcare London  ISBN -10: 0415399742 

O’Brien PMS and Broughton Pipkin (2007) Introduction to Research Methods for Specialists and Trainees.  2nd Edition 
RCOG Press London ISBN 978-1-904752-01-1

Ismail K, Crome I, O’Brien PMS (2006) Psychological Problems in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the MRCOG and beyond. RCOG Press London    ISBN 1-904752-09-8

O’Brien PMS, Cameron & MacLean (2000) Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle.  RCOG Press London     ISBN 1-900364-40-9

O’Brien PMS (2000) The RCOG Yearbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 8 Millennium Edition. RCOG Press London ISBN 1-900364-30-1

Kingdom J, Jauniaux E and O’Brien PMS (2000) Placenta: Basic Science & Clinical Practice.  RCOG Press London    ISBN 1-900364-31-x CHAPTERS 2000 - 2007

O’Brien PMS and Ismail KMK (2007)   History of Premenstrual the Disorders. In: O’Brien PMS, Rapkin A and  Schmidt P (Eds)  The Premenstrual Syndromes: PMS & PMDD.  Informa Healthcare London.  p1-8 (In press)

Dhingra V and O’Brien PMS (2007) Quantification of Premenstrual Disorders.  In: O’Brien PMS, Rapkin A and Schmidt P (Eds)  The Premenstrual Syndromes: PMS & PMDD. Informa Healthcare London.  p27 - 36 (In press)

O’Mahony and O’Brien PMS   (2007) Research and the specialist trainee. In: O’Brien and Broughton Pipkin (Eds) Research methods for Specialists and Trainees. RCOG Press. p1 - 6

O’Brien PMS (2007) Premenstrual Syndrome. In: Louden N, Glasier A and   Gebbie A (Eds) Handbook of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. 5th Edition Churchill Livingstone London. p367-80

O’Brien PMS (2007) Premenstrual Syndrome. In: Edmonds DK (Ed) Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 7th edition.  Blackwell’s Scientific Publications Oxford. Ch 41

Indusekhar R, O'Mahony F and O'Brien PMS (2006) Gynaecology and the Older Patient. In: Pathy MS, Sinclair AJ and Morley JE (Eds) Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine Fourth Edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd: Chichester. p1449-1458.

Ismail K Sunanda GV O’Brien PMS (2004) Estrogen Therapy: Interface Between Gynaecology & Psychiatry.  In: Bergemann N and Reicher-Rossler A (Eds) Oestrogen Effects in Psychiatric Disorders. Springer Wien New York. p271 - 287 

Govind A and O'Brien PMS.  (2004) Dysmenorrhoea and premenstrual syndrome. In: Dutta DC, Sisir DR and Sengupta BS (Eds) Postgraduate Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2nd Edition Churchill Livingstone London. 

Dent K, Kettle C and O’Brien PMS (2004)    Repair of Perineal Trauma. 
In: Hillard T and Purdie D (Eds) Year Book of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 11; 132-141 RCOG Press London.

O’Brien PMS Ismail K Jain K (2004) Premenstrual Syndrome. In: Studd JWW (Ed) Management of the Menopause. Parthenon Publishing Lancaster. P111-7

O’Brien PMS, Ismail K and Dimmock P (2003) Premenstrual Syndrome. In: Shaw RW, Soutter P and Stanton S (Eds) Gynaecology 3rd Edition. Churchill Livingstone London. P401-32

O’Brien PMS (2000) Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle. In: Campbell S and Monga A (Eds) Gynaecology by Ten Teachers. Edward Arnold, London. P47-63

Wyatt K and O’Brien PMS (2000) Quantifying menstrual disorders: menorrhagia, PMS, dysmenorrhoea. In: O’Brien PMS, Cameron I and McLean A (Eds) Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle.  RCOG Press London. P153-166

O’Brien PMS (2000) Premenstrual Syndrome. In: Louden N, Glasier A and Gebbie A (Eds) Handbook of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. Churchill Livingstone, London. P357-70

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