School of Computer Science and Mathematics

Our School has a long-standing tradition in teaching and research. We have a vibrant community of undergraduate and postgraduate taught students, PhD research students, professional support staff, postdoctoral researchers and academics. We conduct internationally recognised research in synthetic biology, health and cultural informatics, evolutionary robotics, smart energy, machine learning and AI, as well as in pure mathematics and statistics, fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, modelling of nano-materials, biomechanics, and computational approaches for solving inverse problems for imaging and ensuring safety and security. 

Welcome from the Head of School

 photo - Daniel Reidenbach

Professor Daniel Reidenbach, Head of the School of Computer Science and Mathematics

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the School of Computer Science and Mathematics! Located at the heart of Keele’s
600-acre campus, the School does not only provide state-of-the-art facilities, but also a nurturing and supportive environment that will enable you to excel within your studies.

Our undergraduate programmes cover three distinctive disciplines: Computer Science, Data Science and Mathematics. Many of our programme offer accreditation by organisations such as the British Computer Society and the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications. Studying under the guidance of renowned scholars, our carefully designed curricula will enable you to explore your chosen subject area whilst developing the skills sought after by employers.

Our undergraduate degree programmes and specialist master's programmes in Computer Science cover an exciting blend of theoretical and practical topics, and they offer you the foundations to succeed in a growing and dynamic industry. You can participate in exciting hackathons and competitive programming challenges, allowing you to develop your abilities in an effective and engaging way.

Our provision in Data Science benefits from our combined expertise in Mathematics and Computer Science, and our excellence in this field is testified by our recently established collaboration with the Alan Turing Institute – the UK’s institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Our undergraduate Mathematics programmes offer you the opportunity to specialise in areas such as Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or Statistics. With access to online resources from the MEI, our ‘open door’ policy and a dedicated academic mentor, your first year is carefully tailored to assist your transition into degree level Mathematics. 

Keele’s Digital Society institute launched in 2022 and aims to drive business growth and innovation, helping organisations understand and adopt advanced data and new digital technologies. This innovation symbolises Keele’s understanding and commitment driving advancement and improvement within fast-changing technologies. 

If you have not yet had a chance to visit us, you can enjoy a virtual tour of the School from the comfort of your own home.

We hope to welcome you very soon!

Computer Science at Keele

Hear from our students and staff – who share their personal experiences of studying and teaching at Keele.

Facts and figures