Commemorative and donated trees

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

6th March 2015

Planting group

5 Prunus 'Amanogowa' were planted in front of Dorothy Hodgkin Building on 6th March 2015 by Professor Makoto Kurata and Professor Fiona Cownie (on behalf of the Vice Chancellor) to commemorate links with Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. A plaque reads "These Cherry Trees have been planted by Professor Nick Foskett and Professor Makoto Kurata on March 6th, 2015. In commemoration of 25 years of educational partnership Keele University and Kyoto University of Foreign Studies 1990 - 2015". Photo by Richard Burgess.

Kyoto Plaque

These trees replace 5 former ones that were removed several years ago. The picture below shows what they may grow in to.

Prunus Amanogowa