Trees planted in memoriam

If you would like to discuss planting a tree in memory of a loved one, please contact

Great War

An Apple Malus 'Red Ingestre', tag 0056, was planted in the Memorial garden. A plaque reads "In memory of those from Keele who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1918". A bench, donated by the Friends of Keele, was also installed by the tree.

Richard Aldridge - Student

A Tulip Tree Liriodendron tulipifera planted in November 1984 by the boiler house of Lindsay Hall. Square J10; tag 2068.

Colin J.E. Baker

A Cherry Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' was planted in the Memorial Garden in his memory, tag 0043. A plaque reads "In memory of Colin J.E. Baker 14/04/1933 - 11/12/2014. Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences. Who spent his entire career working at Keele. With fond memories from his wife Diana and daughters Sarah, Fran & Emma."

Dorothy Baxter

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Matsumae-usagasanesomei' tag 4211 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory in 2018. A plaque reads "Dorothy Baxter, 1914-2016".

Professor Frank W Bealey (1922-2013)

A Flowering Cherry Prunus x yedoensis 'Anouck' was dedicated to his memory on September 30th 2017 by his three children Rachel, Rosalind and William; and by his wife Sheila (nee Hurst) who was a student at Keele from 1955 to 1959. The inscription on the plaque reads "'Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough, And stands about the woodland ride Wearing white for Eastertide’ A.E.Houseman. In memory of Professor Frank W. Bealey (1922-2013) Senior Lecturer in Politics 1952 -1964. A Founder Member of Keele University". See Photographs.

Victoria Bentley - Student (Geography)

An Plum Prunus domestica 'Victoria', tag 0048, was planted in her memory in the Memorial Garden by her parents Roy and Julie and her brother Alex. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Victoria Bentley; 9th October 1992 - 15th October 2016; B.A. Hons Geography; For ever in our hearts; Roy, Julie Alex XXX"

Jo Beverley (nee Dunn) 1966-1970 American Studies & History

A Flowering Cherry from the National Collection in the Memorial Garden Prunus 'Sunset Boulevard' was planted by her husband Ken (Keele 1966-1970 Psychology & Physics and 1975 PhD Communication). A plaque reads "In loving memory of Jo Beverley who became one with the Universe on May 23rd 2016; Aged 68 years". More here.

Richard Bohan - Keele Student

A Variegated Norway Maple Acer platanoides 'Drumandii' tag 6122 planted near Keele Village. A plaque reads "Acer Drumandii planted in memory of Richard Bohan 22nd October 1975 - 23rd January 2001. Graduated from Keele University 1997.

Paul Boylan

A Purple Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea', tag 7522, square M10 was dedicated to his memory by Jane Boylan and family. A plaque reads "In memory of Paul Boylan who loved to walk in this place"

Robert Brown - Student (1967-1971 Geology & Physics and Cert Ed.)

An Apple tree (Malus) planted in his memory in the Memorial Garden by a group of his Keele friends. A plaque reads "In memory of ROB BROWN (1971) died 14.11.2013". See photograph.

Mike Buckmaster - (1959-1963 Geology & Biology)

A Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba planted in his memory by wife Pat Buckmaster nee Fidler (Class of 1963) in the Memorial Garden in 2015. A plaque reads "Mike Buckmaster (1941-2007), Back to the Nitrogen Cycle". See photograph.

Dr. Thomas P. Burnaby - Lecturer in Department of Geology and Computer Science (1954 - 67)

Three Dawn Redwoods Metasequoia glyptostroboides planted in 1970 in his memory outside the William Smith Building. Square L8; compartment 34a.

Nicholas Jon Cartlidge - Technician in Life Sciences (1942 - 2007)

A Cyprus Cedar Cedrus brevifolia planted in his memory on 12th March 2008 to the side of Keele Hall see photograph. Square N11; compartment 21b. A brass plaque reads "This tree (Cedrus brevifolia) is planted in loving memory of Nicholas Jon Cartlidge (MRSC) 1942 - 2007.

Matthew James Chalk - 1987-2014

A Flowering Cherry Prunus sargentii (ex Waterers) in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. Square K11, tag 4274. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Matthew James Chalk; 08.09.07 - 02.10.14; Keele Forever". See photograph.

Laurence Chinn-Brown

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Pink of Bray', tag 4257, in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Laurence Chinn-Brown. 20/06/99 - 20/08/21. A life far too short but lived to the full."

Tony Colduck - University Painter and Decorator (1997 - 2006)

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Accolade' planted in his memory by the Nursery (square N4); alongside the cycle path which is also named after him. A plaque reads " Tony Colduck Memorial Cycle Path; Painter & Decorator; Keele; 1997 - 2006". See photograph. This tree was removed and replaced with a Flowering Cherry Prunus serrula 'Branklyn' tag 4196 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads Tony Colduck; Painter & Decorator; Keele; 1997 - 2006"

Diane Collingwood

A Flowering Cherry Prunus itosakura 'Pendula Plena Rosea' No. 4252 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory by her friends and family in 2022. A plaque reads "Diane Collingwood. 21.6.55 - 16.10.22. Mother, friend, counsellor, stoic, lefty, nature lover. Friends and family will visit this tree and remember you, and all that you were and are".

Dr Mike G. Collinson - Lecturer in Department of Criminology (1977-1996)

A Sweet Chestnut Castanea sativa planted by his wife Helen towards the bottom of Clock House Drive. There is a plaque which reads "This tree (Castanea sativa) is planted in loving memory of Mike G. Collinson and his mother Joyce". See photograph.

Blod Colquhoun - student

A Cork Oak Quercus suber tag 1040, square L7, was planted on 30/9/2010 in her memory by family and friends in front of the Walter Moberly Hall. A plaque reads "Blod Colquhoun (Daniels); 1975; Remembered by friends and family". See photographs.

Mr Compton - owner of Mandley and Unett, Newcastle

Three Red Oaks Quercus rubra planted in front of the Huxley Building in 1977 by Mrs Compton in memory of her husband. Square K8.

Professor F. Wolverson Cope - Founding Professor of Department of Geology (1950 - 1976)

A Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba planted in his memory on 30/9/2000 outside the Moser Building. Square L8.

Rhys Coull Keele Student 2023-2024

A Flowering Cherry Prunus Francoise, tag 4276 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of RHYS COULL. Keele student 2023-2024. Kindness is the mark we leave on the world".

John Curphey  - student (1968-1972)

A Damson Prunus 'Merryweather' tag 0037, was planted in the Memorial Garden in his memory in 2014 by John Davnall (1971) and Sarah Davnall (Norman) (1970). A plaque reads "In memory of John Curphey (1971) Died 24.05.1986". See photograph.

Ros Davies née Patton - Psychology and Russian (1967-71)

Five Rowan trees planted in her memory by her husband Professor Phil Davies (American Studies & Sociology 1967-1971) by the side of Lake 1. See photograph.

Hayley Dickenson

A Flowering Cherry Prunus itosakura 'Pendula Rubra' tag 4233 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory in 2019. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Hayley Dickenson Keele student 2017-2018".

Ainslie Duffell (1967-2015)

A Black Mulberry Morus nigra tag 0042, was planted in his memory in the Memorial Garden 2016. A plaque reads Ainslie Duffel; 1967 - 2015; "Live well, love well and laugh as much as possible and never forget, I love you to infinity and beyond".

Charlotte Louise Langton Durham

A Greengage Prunus domestica tag 60 was planted in the Memorial Garden, square K11, in her memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Charlotte Louise Langton Durham. Keele Student 2016 - 2019".

Ben Elliman - 1.6.1994 to 16.3.2014

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Tom' in the Memorial Garden is dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Ben Elliman; 1.6.1994 - 16.3.2014; Forever Keele". Square K11, tag 4243. See photograph.

Frank Entwistle - Stores Keeper in Department of Chemistry (1951 - 1984)

Two Hornbeams Carpinus betulus planted in his memory outside Lennard-Jones Labs in 2000. Square J8. A plaque reads "This garden is planted in memory of Frank Entwistle and his contribution to Keele 1951-1984".

Dr Ron Evans - Department of Biological Sciences (1951 - 1981)

A Cut-leaved Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Asplenifolia' planted on the lawn at end of Keele Drive (square D6) in his memory. A plaque reads: Dr R.G. (Ron) Evans. Biologist & Musician. Founder Member of Keele University. First Secretary of Keele Society. Tutor and Friend. 1920 - 1988.

Casimir Fecher - Keele student (2003 - 2006)

Red Buck-eye Aesculus pavia planted 18th November 2006 at the rear of Barnes W and X blocks in his memory. Square J13; tag 1083. See photograph.

David John Fenton

A Flowering Cherry Prunus Matsumae-yae-kotobuki, tag 4209 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads " In loving memory of David John Fenton. Loved by Rose, Rachel and Nat. Our 'Paterfamilias' "

Dr Claire H. Firth

A Flowering Cherry Prunus speciosa 'Yae-beni-oshima' tag 4245 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory. A plaque reads "How many, many things They call to mind. These cherry-blossoms! - Matsuo Basho. Clair H. Firth (Keele, 1964-1969)".

Annis and Anthony Flew

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Shogetsu', tag 4301 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to their memory. A plaque reads "In memory of Annis and Anthony Flew who enjoyed a happy and fruitful association with Keele University".

Mike Fryer - Keele Student (1965-2011)

A Sweet Chestnut Castanea sativa planted along Clockhouse Drive (square K13). A plaque reads "In Loving Memory of Mike Fryer 1965-2011; Keele Student (1983-1986); From his Family and Friends." See Photograph.

James Hillis Goodier

A Flowering Cherry Prunus x parvifolia 'Fuyu-Zakura' was dedicated to his memory in the Memorial Garden. Square K11; tag 4203. A plaque reads " In loving memory of James Hillis Goodier. Part-time lecturer at Keele from 1965 to 1986"

Mary Glover - Director of Social Service Training at Keele (1950 - 1965)

Common Yew Taxus baccata and Golden Irish Yew Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata Aurea' planted in 1985 as part of the restored Victorian parterre by Keele Hall in her memory and in recognition of her contribution to Keele. She died in 1981/82. See photograph.

Cordelia Goodway - former student and wife of Keith Goodway

A group of Cedars of Lebanon Cedrus libani planted in her memory on Keele Hall lawn, beyond the fountain. Square M11.

Rachel Green (nee Westwood)

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Matsumae-tama-gaki' tag 4223 in the Memorial Garden, was dedicated to her memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Rachel Green (nee Westwood). Daughter, wife, sister and devoted mother who touched the lives of many here at Keele".

Jakub Marek Guja - Keele Student 2015-18

A Flowering Cherry Prunus speciosa tag 4217, was dedicated to his name in the Memorial Garden. Tag 4217. A plaque reads "In loving memory of; KUBA; Jacub Marek Guja; Keele student 2015-18"

Manhar 'Manny' Gurung

A Flowering Cherry Prunus Rebecca, tag 4256 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to their memory.

Mr J.G. Hall - Chief Education Officer for Newcastle and Council member (1903 -1990)

Two Fastigiate Hornbeams Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' planted at the rear of the Walter Moberly Hall in his memory. Square L7; tags 288,289. A plaque on the wall of the building reads "These Hornbeams are planted in memory of John Graham Hall 1903 - 1990 a member of the Council of the University 1971 - 1989, and his wife Amy Elizabeth Frances 1914 - 1963". See photograph.

William (Bill) Hanna - (1932-2014).

Pioneer Class of 1957, President of the Students' Union of the University College of North Staffordshire 1955-1956, President of the Keele Society. Major, Somerset Light Infantry. A Flowering Cherry Prunus x yedoensis 'Caroline' tag 4237, was planted in his memory on 10th July 2015 in the Memorial Garden. A plaque reads "In Memory of W.W. Hanna, President of the Union, 1955-56". See biography and photographs.

Neville 'Nev' Harris 1948-2022. English and American Studies 1989-93.   

A Flowering Cherry Prunus x yedoensis Awanui, tag 4357 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory by Fay, Mark, Harvey, Oscar and Nye. A plaque reads "He loved Keele, made lots of friends, enjoyed supporting Drama Society productions (especially Godspell) and running the Pig and Rat student bar.  We hope you enjoy Keele as much as he did."

Pete Harrison

An Flowering Cherry Prunus (Double Pink) (ex Hemelrijk) tag 4358 was planted in his memory on 15/2/2023. A plaque reads "In ever loving memory of our friend Pete "Pedro" Harrison. Loved, remembered and missed always. Live your dash".

Ted and Doris Hay

A Flowering Cherry Prunus takesimensis tag 4277 planted in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to their memory in 2017. A plaque reads "Ted and Doris Hay; They loved seeing the flowering cherries and Ted donated his body to the Medical School".

Joanne Hayes

A Flowering Cherry Prunus x yedoensis Amagi-yoshino, tag 4362 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of our friend, Sweetpea Jo Heyes (1981-2015) Lover of love, Keele alumna, 20 years of happy memories together."

Katrina Hill

15 Wild Service Trees planted in 1977 beside the running track in memory of his wife by Eric Hill of the Department of Classics. Square I6.

Ron and Annie Hill - Union Bar Steward (1954 - 1974)

They were killed in an air accident in 1976 and a row of 6 Rowans Sorbus acuparia by the side of the Chapel was planted in their memory. Square M7. See photograph.

Jacob Henry Hobman (Student 2017- 2019)

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Jo-nioi' tag 4219 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Jake. Jacob Henry Hobman. Keele Student 2017- 2019".

John Hodgkinson - first Registrar of Keele University (1918 - 2004)

A Magnolia Magnolia liliiflora 'Nigra' planted by Keele Hall in his memory on 7th May 2004. Square M10, tag 2264. See photograph of the planting ceremony. The plaque reads "In memory of John F N Hodgkinson OBE, DUniv. 1918-2004".

Brian Hodgson - 1936 to 2018

A Flowering Cherry Prunus "Helen Taft", a replacement for Prunus "Tora-no-o", was dedicated to his memory in the Memorial Garden; tag 4332. A plaque reads "Brian Hodgson; 1936 to 2018; Keele pioneer, remembered fondly by his daughter, Stephanie, brother Alan, family and friends". This tree has since died.

Dr John Hodgson - Senior Lecturer in Physics

Group of Common Beech Fagus sylvatica planted behind Sneyd Hall in his memory by friends. A plaque on the wall reads "In memory of John Hodgson. Rambler 199". Square J8; tags 2028, 49, 51, 52. See photograph of planting ceremony.

Mark "Sparky" Holtz (1989-1993 American Studies and Geography)

A Mulberry tree Morus nigra, tag 0049, was planted in the Memorial Garden on 14th October 2017. A plaque reads "Mark ‘Sparky’ Holtz; 1970-2016; Keele student and tutor. An erudite, witty and compassionate man". The planting was attended by brother Elliot and a host of Keele friends from Sparky's lifelong connection to Keele and the Union. A bench was placed by the lakeside and a plaque placed in the Students' Union, organised by Nick Brace (1999) and Ceri Smith (1993). These memorials recognise Mark's commitment to volunteering and making the most of student life. Mark published the Keele Yearbook and was an active supporter of many societies until his untimely death in 2016, aged 46. See photographs.

Marjorie Howard (1923 - 2006)

A Scarlet Oak Quercus coccinea tag 1005, was planted by Firs Hill; square M10. A plaque reads "Quercus coccinea (Scarlet Oak). In loving memory of Mum. Marjorie Howard 1923 - 2006. "The gods who mortal beauty chase, still in a tree did end their race". See photograph.

Peter Humber

A Flowering Cherry Prunus Georges, tag 4359 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory.

John Ivinson - Student 1963-67

80 varieties of Flowering Cherry have been planted at sites around the campus. These have been funded by Keele Alumni in his memory. A plaque at the entrance to Church Plantation reads "These cherry trees and others were planted in 2008 in memory of John Ivinson a student at Keele 1963-1967 By fellow students and friends, among them Rosemary Billings, Roger Buckley, Michael Corby, Ian Cutler, Jack Emery, Ann Felsky, John MacArthur, Terry Oliver, Philippa Paquett, Bob Riddett, Ian Taylor and John Vereker". See photograph.

Roy Jervis - 1930 to 2017

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Taoyame' tag 4204, was was dedicated to his memory in the Memorial Garden on 1st December 2018 by his children (Alison, Andrew, Catherine, Tom and Jacky), sons and daughters-in-law (Colin, Rosie, Tim and Karen) and grandchildren (Sarah, Gregory (and his partner Jess ) George, Ethan, Hannah, Molly, Joe, Elizabeth, Ben, Olivia, Lauren, Sam and Bobbie). Plaque Reads: "Roy Jervis 1930 – 2017; Founding Graduate at Keele 1950 - 1954 BSc in Chemistry and Physics; Husband, Father, Grandad, Great Grandad and Friend to Many; Fondly Remembered. Sadly Missed". Tag 4204.

Gurniak Singh Johal

A Flowering Cherry Prunus x yedoensis Sendai-Shidare tag 4326 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Gurniak Singh Johal. Keele student 2017 - 2020. BSc Physics"

Sam Johnson

A Cherry-plum Prunus cerasifera '"Nigra', tag 0043, was planted in the Memorial Garden in his memory in 2017. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Sam Johnson 1967-2015. A Keele Student from 1988-2001. Planted by family and friends in 2017".

Mr. J.B. Jones

Five Rowans Sorbus acuparia planted by Professor Gurnos Jones in memory of his father, in front of the Chancellor's Building. Square M6.

Jakub Marek Guja

A Flowering Cherry Prunus speciosa tag 4217 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of KUBA Jakub Marek Guja; Keele student 2015-18.

Professor Gurnos Jones (1928-2016)

A Black Mulberry Morus nigra planted in the Memorial Garden in his memory. A plaque reads "In Memory of Professor Gurnos Jones 1928-2016; A dedicated teacher at Keele 1955 - 1994; Pat, Owen, Glyn and Bernadette". You can read an obituary here.

Ashleigh Olebogeng Keniry - Keele Student

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Yoko' tag 4193, in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory. A plaque reads "In Loving Memory of Ashleigh Olebogeng Keniry. Keele Student 2020 - 2022".

Michael Knight (Keele 1969-74) graduated 1972 in English & History

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Pink Cloud'  tag 4299, in the Memorial Garden, was dedicated to his memory on 16/1/2016 by his daughter Suzie. A plaque reads "The wind that blows from God we must endure, and labour uncomplaining" - Marcus Aurelius. Michael Knight (Attended Keele 1969-1974). See photograph.

Dr Richard Vasek Kunc (1971 Mathematics & Psychology);1948-2008.

A Claret Ash Fraxinus angustifolia 'Raywood' tag 1077, was planted in his memory on 23 January 2012 by his widow Sue and daughter Helena and many of Sue’s and Richard’s Keele friends and contemporaries. A plaque reads "In memory of Dr Richard Kunc (1948-2008); Graduated in Mathematics and Psychology in 1971; Loved for an eternity by his wife SUE and Family". The tree is situated between the Walter Moberly Hall and Tawney Building; square M7. See photograph of the planting ceremony.

Ray Lafford - Groundsman (1958 - 1986)

Pedunculate or English Oak Quercus robur planted in his memory on the lawn by the Clock House. Ray actually worked at Keele in the 1930s so knew the estate well before it became a University. Square M11; tag 754. See Photograph of planting ceremony.

Claire Laming

An Apple Malus tag 58 was planted in her memory in the Memorial Garden on 3/9/2023. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Dr Claire Laming. Keele student 2016-23. Rest in peace"

Mr Bernard Latham

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Amanogowa' tag 4335, in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory on 20th October 2018 by his wife and family. Plaque reads "In Loving Memory of Bernard Latham. Forever in our Hearts."

Sir John Lennard-Jones - Principal of the University College (1953 - 1954).

Pedunculate or English Oak Quercus robur planted by him on the lawn to the side of Keele Hall. The plaque reads "Quercus robur, English Oak, planted by Sir John Lennard-Jones on 2nd June 1953". He died on 1st November 1954. Square M11.

Dr Hans Liebeck

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Matsumae-beni-higoromo' tag 4182, square M10, on Firs Hill was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Dr, Hans Liebeck (1927-2007). Still an inspiration, Forever in our hearts."

Professor Donald MacKay - Founding Professor (1960-83) of Department of Communication & Neuroscience

Group of 2 Scots Pines Pinus sylvestris planted between the Tawney Building and Walter Moberly Hall. Square L7. See photograph.

Janet C. MacKay (1892 - 1964)

An Atlas Cedar Cedrus atlantica (tag 3641) and two Deodar Cedars Cedrus deodara (tags 3642, 3643) planted in 1982 in memory of his mother by Professor Donald MacKay between Tawney Building and Walter Moberly Hall. Square L7

Nicola Martin (1981-1985, Geography & Geology)

A Flowering Cherry Prunus x subhirtella 'Fukubanana' tag 4250 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory. Steve Mitchell (1987 Music and Mathematics) coordinated the planting and a ceremony on 27 February 2016 was attended by over sixty people, many of them Keele alumni including James Berriman (1984 Chemistry). A plaque reads "Nicola 'Nickibear' Martin; 17/02/1961 - 19/01/2016; Class of '84; Rock chick, biker, precious gem. A tale of sun-bright smiles forever in our memories". See photograph.

Hannah McAllister (1987 - 2010)

Hannah McAllister graduated from Keele in 2008 in Human Resource Management and Psychology. She was killed in a car crash on 20th October 2010, soon after graduating and beginning her professional career. A Wild Cherry Prunus avium tag 0050 was planted in the Memorial Garden by her parents, Patrick and Joanne McAllister, who continue to support students at Keele through the Hannah McAllister Memorial Prize. The plaque reads "Hannah McAllister. 1987 - 2010. We will fill the gap she left in our lives with happy memories."

Maxine Missick

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Yoko', tag 4349 in the Memorial Garden, was dedicated to her memory. A plaque reads "Maxine Missick 9th October 1994 - 25th Aug 2017. 'An introverted extrovert who loved community work, healthcare, travel & dance".

Dr Marion Mitchell

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Imose' tag 4220 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory. A plaque reads "Marion Mitchell (nee Davies); 1932 - 2023; a Keele Pioneer : BA French & Latin; 1951 - 1955; would love you to enjoy this tree".

Michelle Ann Mosot

An Apple Malus domestica 'James Grieve', tag 0054 in the Memorial Garden was planted in her memory in 2018. A plaque reads "Michelle Ann Mosot (February 27, 1997 - January 16, 2017). A beloved daughter, an adored sister and a gentle-hearted friend. Too well loved to be forgotten. What we keep in our memory is unchanged forever".

Professor the Reverend Dr Bernard Moss

A Wild Cherry Prunus avium tag 7525 on Firs Hill square M10 was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "Prof the Rev Dr Bernard Moss 1944 - 2020. Inspiring Minister and Educator at Keele University. Deeply loved and much missed. There is no me without you".

Scott Sheldon Newell

A Flowering Cherry Prunus x yedoensis 'Akebono' tag 4279 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads "Scott Sheldon Newell. Keele Alumnus and Devoted Father. July 16th 1965 - November 15th 2013".

Elaine Owen (1948-2014)

A Medlar Mespilus germanica tag 0038, was planted in her memory in the Memorial Garden in 2014. A plaque reads "In Loving Memory of Elaine Owen. 1948-2014. Greatly Missed Wife, Mum & Nana". See photograph.

Rachel Parker Keele 1974; died 2007

An Atlas Cedar Cedrus atlantica (tag 1008, square O10), planted by friends in her memory in February 2008 alongside Lake 1. A plaque reads "For Rachel Parker, Keele 1974, died 2007. From her undergraduate friends".

Anthony (Tony) Phillips (1944-2017) Reader in Historical Geography

A Willow-leaved Oak Quercus phellos was planted by Keele Hall; square M10; in his memory on 18th May 2018 by friends, colleagues and by his aunt Mrs Ann Davies and his cousin Penny Davies was replaced by an Elm Ulmus x 'Wingham'  tag 1080. A plaque reads "In Memory of ANTHONY PHILLIPS 1944-2017, Reader in Historical Geography". Appreciation and photograph.

Catrin Pickles

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Ariel' tag 4244 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Catrin Pickles 1991 - 2012. An inspiration to us all".

Trevor Pitts and Pat Jones

A group of Bluebells Hyacinthoides non-scripta was planted in the memory by the side of Lake3 square P12. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Trevor Jones & Pat Pitts".

Adrian Francis Quinn - (1968 - 2007)

A Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyk Purple' planted in his memory to the side of Keele Hall. Square M11; tag 1084. A brass plaque reads "Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyk Purple' planted in memory of Adrian Francis Quinn (12 July 1968 - 19 July 2007) graduated from Keele University 1995 'at one with nature'". See photographs.

Les Roberton and 'Nan' Roberton

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Mikuruma-gaeshi' tag 4186, in the Memorial Garden, was dedicated to their memory. Planted by Bill Stevenson (Class of 1967) and Ann Stevenson (nee Roberton) in memory of their parents. When Harold Springall, the founding Professor of Chemistry, came to Keele from Manchester in 1949, Les Roberton accompanied him with his wife Nan. Their daughter Ann grew up on campus and married 1967 graduate Bill Stevenson. A plaque reads " In loving memory of our parents; Les Roberton Superintendent of Laboratories Chemistry Dept 1950-1971 and 'Nan' Roberton Student Union 1957 - 1971; Very Happy years; Ann, Peter and Families". Square K11, compartment 24B, tag 4156. See photograph.

Iolo Francis Roberts 1925-2014

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Hokusai'; tag 4205; in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory. A plaque reads 'Er Cof Annwyl; In Loving Memory of; Iolo Francis Roberts; 1925-2014; Dept of Education and Warden of The Hawthorns'.

Professor Alexander Provan Robertson (1925 - 1995) Professor of Mathematics 1965 - 1973

A Flowering Cherry Prunus incisa 'Kaki' in the Memorial Garden replaces a Weymouth Pine Pinus strobus planted by his daughter Rachel Robertson, on behalf of the family, in June 2008 on the far side of the top lake. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Alexander Provan Robertson (1925-1995) Professor of Mathematics Keele University (1965-1973) from his family". See photographs.

Judith Rowley

A Flowering Cherry Prunus Watanabe tag 4215 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory in 2023.

Regina Salazar

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Taki-nioi', tag 4195 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Regina Salazar. Keele Student 2018 - 2019".

Sir Roy and Lady Gwen Shaw

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Kanzan' tag 4350 was planted in their memory in the Memorial Garden. A plaque reads "Sir Roy Shaw 1918 - 2012. Lady Gwen Shaw 1923 - 2018. 'Champions of the Best for the Most'"

Dawn Smith

A Flowering Cherry  thought to be Prunus 'Ariake' tag 4020 at the time but now in need of identification was planted in her memory behind the Chapel square M7. A plaque reads "In memory of Dawn Smith UNISON Treasurer February 2007".

Mike Denis Stone

A Flowering Cherry Prunus incisa 'Mikinori' tag 4270 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to his memory by his partner Kimberley Bohacz on 25 February 2012. A plaque reads "Michael Denis Stone, "Mikey Mike", 29/04/1964 - 21/12/2022, Funny, Kind, Mischievous, Genius, Guitarist, Lyricist, Poet, Scholar, Rocker, Scruffy, Gentleman. "Blessings"

Thomas Dicky Suharlan - (Student, Keele 1996 - 1999)

A Chinese Tulip Tree Liriodendron chinense tag 1042 was planted in his memory by family and friends by Lindsay S-Block on 10th September 2008. A plaque reads "In memory of Thomas Dicky Suharlan Keele 1996 -1999". See photographs.

Oskar Szary

A Flowering Cherry Prunus Amayadori tag 4254 in the Memorial Garden, was dedicated to his memory in 2018. A plaque reads "Oskar Szary, a good friend and a great man with a kind heart. We will always remember you".

Benjamin Allan Taylor (1979 - 2005)

A Beech Fagus sylvatica planted behind the Walled Garden. The plaque reads "In memory of Benjamin Allan Taylor 12 August 1979 - 30 November 2005".

Aurelie G. Tees MBE- Domestic Bursar at Keele (1961-1996)

30 Scots Pines Pinus sylvestris donated by her sister and planted below the Clock House 23rd November 1998 in her memory. Square M11. The plaque reads "This planting of Scots Pine in memory of Aurelie G. Tees Keele 1961-1995". She died in 1997. See photograph.

Caroline Thacker nee Miller

A Flowering Cherry Prunus incisa 'Abondance' tag 4231 in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory in 2018 by Dean Thacker (Caroline's Widower) and Caroline's family. A plaque reads "Caroline Thacker nee Miller; An independant soul with a zest for life, inspiring all around her with her laughter, courage and hope".

Utpal Thakkar (1962-2013, Keele 1981)

A Crab Apple tag 0053 was planted in the Memorial Garden at a ceremony on 1st October 2016 which was attended by his friends John (representing Kevin Wyn-Higgins), Paul Towey, Brian Clark, Mark Worrall and Michael Wright. The plaque reads: "In loving memory of a dear friend Utpal Thakkar 17/1/1962-13/06/2013. Keele 1981. Together with all our hearts.". See photographs here.

Adam Thomas

Donation of three Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur planted in Church Plantation Wood as a memorial by his father Dr Peter Thomas; lecturer in School of Life Sciences.

Gordon and June Thomas

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Matsumae-kofuki' tag 4232 in the Memorial Garden, was dedicated to their memory. A plaque reads"In loving memory of Gordon Thomas (1931 - 2018) who donated his body for medical research and June Thomas (1932 - 2012)".

Helena Thorley (1966 - 2011)

A Paper-bark Maple Acer griseum planted on 28th May 2012 in her memory between the Chapel and Tawney Building square M7. A plaque reads "In loving memory of Helena Anne Thorley 1966 -  2011; Keele University 1998 - 2011; Academic Registrar 2005 - 2011; Much missed by friends and colleagues at Keele". See picture. This tree was replaced by a Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' tag no. 1076. Another replacement tree, Prunus Kirin tag 4366, was dedicated to her memory in the Memorial Garden.

Electra Dorothy Raja Townshend

A Flowering Cherry Prunus dielsiana tag 4300 in the Memorial Garden was sponsored in her memory. A plaque reads "Electra Dorothy Raja Townshend. 28 January 2021. Endlessly loved, missed and cherished. Together now and always".

Matthew Wale - student (1982-2004)

A Sweet Chestnut Castanea sativa planted by his parents in his memory along Clock House Drive on 9th March 2012 unfortunately died. With permission his plaque was moved to a Flowering Cherry (tag 4212) in the Memorial Garden A plaque reads "In loving memory of Matt Wale 1982-2004; As a graduate he spent many happy hours at this university. Forever in our hearts".

Pam Walker (Haworth) - (student (1969-1973 Biology & Geology) 

An Apple was planted in her memory in the Memorial Garden in 2014 by John Davnall (1971) and Sarah Davnall (Norman) (1970). A plaque reads "In memory of Pam Walker (Haworth, 1973) Died 16.10.2004". See photograph.

Professor Richard Douglas Ward - 21 June 1944 - 27 October 2015

Appointed Professor of Medical Entomology in 1994, he spent 21 years at Keele in the School of Life Sciences. Three trees were planted by Richard's wife Mary in his memory in the Memorial Garden on 15th April 2016. They include an Apple Malus 'Sunset', Apple Malus 'Kidds Orange Red' and a Bean Tree Catalpa bignonoides 'Aurea'. A plaque reads  "In memory of Prof Richard Douglas Ward. 21 June 1944 - 27 October 2015. Esteemed colleague and much loved friend to all in the School of Life SciencesSee more here.

Shalimar Ward - student 1986-1988 Electronics and Management Science

Shalimar was an American student who lived in Z Block in Hawthorns. Sadly she was killed at the age of 27 in a cycling accident in late 1988. A Norway Maple was planted at a ceremony in her memory. This tree had to be removed and a replacement tree was found in the Memorial Garden Prunus 'Pink Favourite' tag 4290. A plaque reads "Shalimar V. Ward 1960-1988; A young woman with warm Hawaiian Aloha; who loved Keele and her adventures studying here! Taken in a cycling accident".

Janet Waye  - Library Assistant 1995 - 2010

An Apple Malus 'Golden Hornet' tag 0041was planted in the Memorial Garden in her memory. A plaque reads "Janet Waye; Library Assistant; 1995-2010". A replacement tree Prunus Yae-murasaki-zakura in the Memorial Garden was dedicated to her memory.

Josiah Wedgwood - 1899 - 1968

An avenue of 20 Silver Willows Salix alba 'Argentea' donated in his memory by Wedgwood company and planted by the ring-road. Tags 958-981; square O7. The plaque reads "This plantation was donated by Wedgwood in memory of the Hon. Josiah Wedgwood (1899-1968). Founder member of Council and Court of Governors of the University of Keele".

Margaret Whieldon - Caretaker, with her husband Harold, of Horwood Hall

An avenue of Hybrid Cockspur Thorns Crataegus x lavallei planted by the Keele road at the end of Keele Drive, square D6. A plaque reads "This avenue was planted in memory of Margaret Whieldon 1918 - 1980 who did so much for university, church and village". See more here.

Dr. Neil Howard White - Lecturer in Computer Science (1975 to 2005)

Black Walnut Juglans nigra planted behind the Lodge by Barnes Hall and a Common Walnut Juglans regia planted at the rear of X Block Barnes Hall. The trees were planted by Messrs Colin and David White and Mrs White. A plaque reads "Dr Neil Howard White; He served the University selflessly over many years; January 2005". See picture of the planting and also a tribute.

David Whitlock - student (2008 - 2010)

A flowering cherry Prunus avium 'Plena' dedicated to his memory. Outside William Emes Building; square K4; tag 2326. A plaque reads 'In memory of David Whitlock; Student at Keele; 2008-2010; Sadly missed by Family, Friends and Fellow Students'

Eric Williams - Estates and Buildings (1950 - 1983) and Jocelyn Williams

Pedunculate Oak planted by the side of the top lake by his sons on 3rd January 2009. A plaque reads "In memory of Eric and Jocelyn Williams, Keele University, 1950-1983". See pictures of the planting.

Sebastien Michael Williams

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Choryo' in the Memorial Garden, tag 4214, was dedicated to his memory in 2023. A plaque reads "Sebastien Michael Williams. 11th September 1987 - 19th November 2012. "Forever Autumn, Forever Loved"."

Raymond Anthony Willis - 1954-2017

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Matsumae-beni-higoromo', tag 4161, has been dedicated to his memory by his brother Andrew Willis. A plaque reads In Loving Memory of Raymond Anthony Willis; 1954 - 2017; Son, Partner, Father & Brother; Taken too Soon Rest in Peace.

Hitomi Yamanaka 1974-2014

A Flowering Cherry Prunus Ohara-nagisa-zakura tag 4356 in the Memorial Garden was deicated to her memory. A plaque reads "In memory of Hitomi Yamanaka, 1974-2014. E.H. Carr scholar and lover of Keele. Cherished forever for her grace, dignity and kindness."

Professor Fumiko Yonezawa

A Flowering Cherry Prunus 'Accolade', tag 4005 on Cherry Tree Walk was dedicated to her memory in 2023 by her family. A plaque reads "Prof Fumiko Yonezawa; Keele's first Japanese student (1963-64); first female president of the Physical Society of Japan; and L'Oreal - UNESCO Award lareate; 1938-2019"

Alisha J. Zaman - 1999-2020; Keele student (2017-2020)

An Apple tree  Malus domestica 'Golden Delicious' tag 0057 was planted in the Memorial Garden on 21 October 2020 in her memory by her family, friends and the university following her memorial service there attended by many. A plaque reads "Be kind to everything that lives". In loving memory of Alisha J. Zaman, BSc Biology. (posthumous) (1999 - 2020). Foever in or hearts - Family & Friends. See pictures and tribute here.