Species and varieties in the National Collection of Flowering Cherries at

Keele University

Prunus changyangensis - Chinese Spring Cherry

[P. Changyangensis (Ingram) Ingram n.sp. Syn: P. subhirtella var. changyangensis Ingram]

Prunus changyangensis

Prunus changyangensis

Discovered by E.H. ‘Chinese’ Wilson in 1900 at 1000 m altitude in Changyang Hsien, W. Hubei, Central China. Introduced to the West in 1907. Ingram considered it sufficiently different to P. subhirtella to deserve separate species status.

It is distinct from P.subhirtella in being everywhere more pubescent (hairy).

A small tree to 10-12 m high. Single flowers in clusters of 3-5. Pale pinkish-white flowers, single, c. 2.5 cm dia. Petals are distinctly notched. Flowers at the end of March in the UK but not free-flowering.

Distinctive sepals (very long) and calyx (almost spherical base and constricted neck) all pubescent (hairy).

The shoots, leaves, leaf-stalks and buds are distinctly shaggy.

Colours up reddish in autumn.


  • One on edge of running track; square G6/H6;  tag 4070. Planted in 2008.