News and Events in 2003
Lunchtime walks a success
The series of lunchtime tree walks has been a success with an average of 20 attendees. The first two walks looked at conifers and the second two were devoted to common deciduous trees. All agreed that it was a worthwhile venture and that they would be interested in other walks in the future.
2000th Tree tagged
2000 and still going strong! The honour of tag 2000 goes to the Wellingtonia on the far side of the top lake. We have now completed the area within the ringroad, Barnes Hall, Horwood and the Sports Centre and Fields. Work has now started on Lindsay Hall.
1000th Tree Tagged
We have now tagged 1000 trees! Having completed the area within the ringroad we are now branching out (!). We reserved the honour for a unique, and magnificent tree on campus - the Fern-leaved Beech. It can be found by the side of the track on the far side of Lake 2; to the south of the old boathouse.
New areas completed include: lawns below and to side of Keele Hall; area in front of Barnes Hall, Science Park and Darwin Building.
Area within ring-road completed
The survey of trees within the ring-road is now complete - 757 trees in all! The "top-ten" looks like this :
143 | Norway Maple
| 11 | Whitebeam sp. | 4 | Caucasian Lime |
There are a few trees that we have to sort out the identification of, so this list may change slightly.