Sightings in 2007

October 31st: flock of Sky Larks on the field between Lymes Road and the M6 (Andy Lawrence).

October 30th : flock of 10 Siskins flew over the Terrace and a Buzzard was mobbed by Rooks over Church Plantation.

September 27th : first signs of winter with 5 Redwings along Lymes Road (Mark Sutton). A Red Kite was seen over the entrance to the campus at 2.30 (Pat Callaghan).

September 26th : Kingfisher showed well by Lake 1 (Peter Hooper).

September 3rd : Peregrine chasing pigeons around Clock House Drive (Mark Sutton).

September 1st : Spotted Flycatcher and Tree Pipit between Drive Lodge and Lymes Road and eight Tree Sparrows along Lymes Road (Mark Sutton).

August 24th : Lesser Whitethroat between Drive Lodge and the village (Mark Sutton)

August 16th : A Tree Pipit over Drive Lodge (Mark Sutton).

August 7th : A Peregrine was seen carrying prey over the building site by Home Farm (Mark Sutton).

July 25th : there were 16 nesting attempts by House Martins this year although two have been abandoned (Nick Pomiankowski).

July 2nd : flock of 21 Mistle Thrushes feeding by the side of the Medical School ( John Johnson).

June 30th : Curlew seen on the playing field at 7.15am (Sue & Ed Broughton).

May 15th : a Turtle Dove (a Keele rarity last seen here in 1977!) was seen along Lymes Road and a Grasshopper Warbler was heard in fields beside Clock House Drive while a Hobby over the Oaks in the evening (Mark Sutton)

May 8th : a Whimbrel was seen in a field by Clock House Drive - last record was in 2003 (Mark Sutton).

May 2nd : a Garden Warbler was singing in the walled garden (DWE) and two by the Observatory together with two Willow Warblers and a Whitethroat (Mark Sutton)

April 30th : a Grasshopper Warbler was singing from a field off Clockhouse Drive (Mark Sutton)

25th April : a Red Kite was seen to land in trees by Home Farm (Andy Lawrence). This is the second record for Keele; the previous being 6/6/04.

24th April : A Whinchat and four Wheatears along Lymes Road (Andy Lawrence, Neil Carter).

11th April : two Curlews flew over Lymes Lane (Nick Pomiankowski).

9th April : up to 800 Golden Plovers circled the fields by Lymes Road - a Keele record number (Neil Carter).

28th March : a Blackcap was singing by Drive Lodge (Mark Sutton).

27th March : a pair of Teal and two pairs of Mandarins on Lake 1. Four Curlew in fields near Drive Lodge and a Brambling by the Clockhouse (Mark Sutton). A Comma butterfly in Barnes Dell.

26th March : Spring-like weather encouraged 3 butterflies out : Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and Green-veined White. A Chiffchaff was singing by lake 1 while a Buzzard and Raven circled overhead.

20th March: 30 Linnets and two Tree Sparrows along Lymes Road (Nick Pomiankowski)

19th March : 10 Golden Plovers flew over the Medical School (Nick Pomiankowski)

16th March : Chiffchaff singing by the top lake - first of the spring (Mark Sutton).

24th February : a Green Woodpecker was calling and Woodcock was flushed near the old sewage works site (Mark Sutton).

26th January: a pair of Mandarins was seen on lake 1 (Mark Sutton).

23rd January : A skein of 70 Pink-footed Geese passed over the Medical Centre fleeing, no doubt, the cold conditions on the East coast. (Nick Pomiankowski)

21st January: three Tree Sparrows were seen along Lymes Road (Mark Sutton).

18th January : Severe gales lashing the country peaked at Keele with 70mph gusts. A number of mature trees were blown over.

14th January : A Peregrine flew over Keele Hall and a Tree Sparrow was seen along Lymes Road (Mark Sutton).