Information for Organisations

Internships are a great way to trial Keele Talent for a role or to get a specific project resourced.

Commercial organisations
  • You can offer an internship to Keele students of any length, typically between 4 weeks and 6 months max., is usual.
  • We can advise on job descriptions, applicant attraction, and the types of roles our students are interested in.
  • We can advertise and promote your role free of charge.
  • Please complete the form below or contact us at studentopportunities@keele.ac.uk.
Not for Profit Organisations
  • You can offer an internship to Keele students of any length, typically between 4 weeks and 6 months max., is usual.
  • We can advise on job descriptions, applicant attraction, and the types of roles our students are interested in.
  • We can advertise and promote your role free of charge.
  • We have limited funding available to pay the interns wages for 75 hour internships - please contact studentopportunities@keele.ac.uk or complete the form below.


Student opportunities application form for organisations

Student opportunities application form for organisations | MS Word (145 KB)

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