Psychology placement opportunities

Would your organisation be interested in working with a Keele Psychology student?

In the School of Psychology at Keele University we often have excellent, enthusiastic students from both our undergraduate and masters level courses looking for Placement opportunities. Whilst placements provide fantastic experiences for our students, we also know that taking on a placement student can be a highly beneficial opportunity for organisations.

As psychology is relevant to so many aspects of life, placements at a wide range of organisations and in a wide range of roles are suitable. For example, placements in settings such as charities, healthcare/support roles, schools, the prison service, research, marketing or HR and many more could all be relevant.

Please see below for a little more information on the structure of our placement opportunities:

Psychology with Placement year - Students on this programme complete a Placement year between their second and final year with us. Placements usually run from around September to May time with students completing 3 to 5 days (or equivalent) each week. Whilst on Placement, students would still be enrolled on a module with us at Keele and would need to have a named supervisor at their Placement to provide an induction and regular contact/support.

MSc Placement module – Students on one of our masters programmes have the option to complete a placement relevant to their specialism. Our specialisms include Applied Child Psychology, Applied Social and Political Psychology, Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology and Health Inequalities. Students will complete 30-50 placement hours across a semester (either October to December/January or January/February to May) and would again require a named contact to provide an induction and regular contact/support.

If you would like to know more about these opportunities or would be interested in taking on a Placement student in the future, please do get in touch, we would be delighted to hear from you. Our Psychology Placement year lead is Lucy James (l.a.james@keele.ac.uk).