hvdc-tech-350 HVDC Tech offer world-class consultancy services to support stakeholders in Power Systems projects. HVDC Tech’s contribution is based on ample experience with HVDC and FACTS activities, from network planning and conceptual system designs to all stages in the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning, Testing, Operation and Maintenance during commercial operation. www.hvdctech.com.


We are in the middle of an important transition of power systems. The conventional power plants are replaced by renewable energy sources towards nearly 100% renewable-based generation. Whenever a conventional power plant is decommissioned it is taking with it their inertia, and frequency and voltage control mechanisms. They are replaced by converter-based generation, creating critical challenges in power systems. A main interest is how these systems will operate with the known level of efficiency and reliability.  Nowadays, the converter-based generation that is connected to the grid is grid-feeding. They can operate sufficiently under the presumption that are connected to a strong ac network. New control techniques for converters, grid-forming strategies, are being developed to address these challenges and to offer ancillary services that until now have been provided by synchronous machines. 

The project is developing a grid-forming strategy called a virtual synchronous machine (VSM).


As part of the RD&I element of the SEND Programme many areas of research are being coordinated to support the development of software, systems and new technologies to support the introduction low carbon mass produced energy.

Project progress:

To be updated.

Business Contact(s):

Huddersfield Graduate Researcher: Panagiotis Marinakis

Huddersfield Academic(s): Professor Nigel Schofield

University of Huddersfield