Power Technologies Ltd

Power Technologies logoProject:

Model Predictive Control (MPC) is an advanced method of controlling a process while satisfying a set of constraints. MPC uses a model of the system in question to make predictions about the system’s future behaviour and has been used in power system balancing models and power electronics. This project applies MPC in the control of power constrained Electric Vehicle charging.


As part of the RD&I element of the SEND Programme many areas of research are being coordinated to support the development of software, systems and new technologies to support the introduction low carbon mass produced energy.

Project Progress (June 2019):

  • Integration of the model within a distribution grid
  • Interaction with the Distribution Grid.

Business Contact(s): Masoud Bazargan

Lincoln Graduate Researcher: Mananiarivo Rasolonjanahary

Lincoln Academic(s): Professor Chris Bingham

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