Keele Deal | Health
Keele Deal | Health represents a commitment between Keele University and local healthcare partners to address the region’s health and care priorities.
It builds on the new and mature relationships that the University has with key health, care and industry partners, as well as patient, public, carer and client groups across Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Cheshire and Wolverhampton.
The Deal proposes to specifically focus on three related areas that will support the shared ambitions of improving health and care of the population:
- Workforce development – addressing workforce deficits and rapidly-changing skills needs across regional health and care systems;
- Research and Innovation – encompassing health and care innovation and innovation-led business growth;
- Evidence-based service transformation – supporting the key agendas of Integrated Care Systems.
Keele Deal | Health officially launched on 20 November 2019 with the first of a number of engagement sessions that will see Keele University and its partners working together to shape the priorities for the Deal, ensuring that the region's most significant health challenges are addressed collaboratively.
Keele Deal | Health - Launch presentation
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