Contact us

Contact the Centre by e-mail: f.tripet@keele.ac.uk

Contact the Centre by post:
Professor F Tripet (Director)
Centre for Applied Entomology and Parasitology,
Huxley Building,
School of Life Sciences, 
Keele University, 
Staffordshire ST5 5BG, 
United Kingdom.

Contact the Centre by telephone or fax from the United Kingdom:
Telephone: (01782) 733873
Fax: (01782) 733516

Contact the Centre by telephone or fax from overseas:
Telephone: +44 1782 733873
Fax: +44 1782 733516

If you are interested in a particular research project, you can write to the relevant supervisor at the above address or you can telephone or send e-mail.

Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of individual members of the Centre are given under staff details.