Royal Society / Wolfson Grant for Keele CAEP

Posted on 21 March 2018
This is a fantastic game changer for research in the School - Prof. Dave Hoole, Head of School

Keele's Centre for Applied Entomology & Parasitology has been awarded a Royal Society/Wolfson Awards for a major infrastructure development.

Head of CAEP Prof. Frederic Tripet led the bid together with co-applicants Dr.s Catherine Merrick, Helen Price, Naomi Forrester, Mark Skidmore and Jayme Souza-Neto.  Approximately £250K has been awarded, and the University will put in additional funds bringing the final figure to approximately £630K.
The funds will be spent to improve Category 3 lab facilities in the School and with also extend our work to include Schedule 5 restrictions. Thus, CAEP will be able to work with pathogens including viruses that are of human, veterinary and agricultural importance.