Services for disabled students
All the services that Careers and Employability offers are available to students with or without a disability. As a disabled student, however, you will already be aware that you often need to plan ahead in order to ensure you anticipate and overcome any potential challenges. Careers and Employability is here to support you in exploring and deciding upon the best career options for you and then progressing to employment, voluntary work or further study. You can use the service at any stage of your degree or postgraduate study/research - the sooner the better.
Valuable tools and resources
Target Jobs
A useful guide to disclosing disability and presenting yourself to best effect in applications.
Provides an example of how to disclose disability in a covering letter.
The Association of Disabled Professionals Provides details of a help-line which can provide employemnent advice, information and/or peer support.
Lawyers with Disabilities The division encourages solicitors to use their experiences and expertise to support aspiring solicitors or colleagues seeking to progress in the legal sector. They help members secure work placements and training contracts, and support people with disabilities to access legal services and facilities.
Disability Rights UK
Provides up to date information and advice and gives access to The Disability Rights Handbook.
Government website with a section on employment issues for disabled people. This includes government funded employment support schemes - such as Access to Work: and Looking for Work if you're Disabled:
Graduate/student focused opportunities and support
Change100 brings together the UK’s top employers and talented disabled students and graduates to offer three months of paid work experience and recruits on an annual basis.
EmployAbility is the not-for-profit organisation that facilitates and manages the selection and recruitment for disability inclusive employers seeking to attract and recruit neurodivergent and disabled students and graduates onto internships, graduate programmes and other permanent roles.
Fast Track Civil Service Internships These 6-9 weeks internshipsare available to students from diverse backgrounds in their last two years of university and provide an introduction to a graduate career in the Civil Service.
My Plus Club The Club promotes graduate opportunities with disability friendly employers and provide career resources on subjects such as disclosing disbility.
SCOPE See the details of their Support to Work Scheme for one-to-one virtual coaching for job seekers with all disabilities.
SEO London Careers Provides opportunities in areas such as Law and Finance and prepares talented students from underserved and underrepresented backgrounds for career success.
Support for students/graduates with specific disabilities
AutiQuest Currently offering an Interview Tips App tailored for autistic adults and is developing other resources/services.
Provides information and advice on assessments and equipment for the workplace.
Blind in Business
Provides information on assistance for graduates and students in accessing employment and adjustments in the workplace as well as useful resources to support the recruitment process and one-to-one support.
British Dyslexia Association
Advice on practical adjustments in the workplace, disclosure of dyslexia and considering the right role.
Stamma Provides valuable resources on considering stammering in the job application and interview process as well as reasonable adjustments.
The eating disorder charity.
Epilepsy Action
The information in this section is about looking for and staying in work if you have epilepsy. There is also information about your rights if things at work become difficult because of your epilepsy.
National Autistic Society
The website offers a free online employment course, an insight into autism in the workplace and a number of job opportunities.
Rethink Mental Illness
The charity for people with severe mental illnesses, which provides a guide to rights at work for people living with mental illness.
Provides information and advice for job seekers with access to new online jobseeker course.
Identifying disability friendly employers
Through the Disability Confident campaign, the government is working with employers to remove barriers, increase understanding and ensure that disabled people have the opportunities to fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations. If you see an employer with this symbol, they are an organisation partnered with the Disability Confident campaign.
Evenbreak Promotes opportunities with inclusive employers who are keen to recruit disabled employees.
Jobs for Disabled People Lists vacancies which employers wish to be brought to the attention of disabled people.
Where are we?
We are situated in the Claus Moser building.
External: 01782 733023
Internal: 33023