Ethnic minority students

All the services that Careers and Employability offers are available to all students regardless of protected characteristics. As an ethnic minority student, however, you can also access targeted resources and opportunities that might be valuable for your career planning and progression.

Find out more

Internship/mentoring schemes

Summer internships are offered annually with applications usually opening in October.

www.windsor-fellowship.org An organisation offering various support initiatives including mentoring to young people from ethnic minority backgrounds, including undergraduate programmes. The undergraduate programmes must be applied for in the first year of your degree.

SEO provides hundreds of outstanding undergraduate students from under-represented ethnic minority backgrounds the unique opportunity to gain summer internships at the most prestigious investment banks, professional service firms and corporate law firms in the UK.

Job sites

www.asianjobsite.co.uk Includes career tips and job vacancies from employers committed to fair and diverse recruitment.

www.ethnicjobsite.co.uk Provides an employer database of those committed to fair and diverse recruitment and career tips.

milkround.com Incorporates relevant careers articles as well as vacancies being promoted specifically to a diverse range of job seekers.

www.rarerecruitment.co.uk This is a recruitment agency specialising in diverse recruitment.

Creative Access supports talented young people from BAME backgrounds to fill paid internship places at many of the UK's top media organisations.

Careers information

Race for Opportunity includes a list of recruiters taking positive action to recruit in a fair and diverse way.

Information from Manchester University Careers Service on equality and diversity. 

www.voice-online.co.uk  An online version of Britain's leading Black and Asian newspaper including a careers section with opportunities and practical tips.

Employment rights

www.equalityhumanrights.com One of the organisation’s key roles is to provide advice and guidance on rights, responsibilities and good practice, based on equality law and human rights legislation.

Gov.uk provides up to date legislation regarding employment.

Where are we?

Careers and Employability is situated in the Claus Moser building.
External: 01782 733023
Internal: 33023
Email: careers@keele.ac.uk