Information for LGBTQ+ students

Careers and Employability is here to support you in exploring and deciding upon the best career options for you and then progressing to employment, voluntary work or further study. You can use the service at any stage of your degree or postgraduate study/research - the sooner the better. 

Job sites and recruitment advice

Features job from employers championing equality and diversity.

Targeted at the gay community, the Stonewall website provides practical information such as the Top 100 gay-friendly employer guide and the Starting Out Careers Guide as well as other interesting information and links.

REGARD is a national, volunteer run organisation of disabled lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people offering information and advice to our members and disabled LGBT people.

Provides advice on discrimination in the recruitment process and workplace.

Valuable organisations

One of this organisation's key roles is to provide advice and guidance on rights, responsibilities and good practice, based on equality law and human rights legislation.

Provides up to date legislation regarding employment.

Where are we?

The Careers and Employability is located in the Claus Moser building.
Telephone: 01782 733023
Email: careers@keele.ac.uk