ENG-10026 - Reading Literature
Coordinator: Rebecca Yearling Room: CBB2.061 Tel: +44 1782 7 34282
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

This module will equip you with all the basic skills you need to study literature at university level. Through a series of lectures, seminars and workshops, we will explore a range of poetry, drama and prose from the Renaissance to the present day. In the process, you will learn how to analyse literary texts in detail, how to develop an argument, how to find and engage with secondary criticism, and how to present and reference your work. This module will develop and strengthen your pleasure, knowledge, and confidence as a reader and critic of literature.

To develop students¿ ability in the close literary analysis of prose, poetry, and drama
To develop essay-writing skills, including producing a thesis and sustaining an argument
To impart research skills (use of library, electronic resources, etc.)
To ensure competence in grammar and the mechanics of writing
To introduce students to essential techniques and conventions of presenting ideas in writing, including correct citation and referencing

Intended Learning Outcomes

assess, organise, and engage with a wide variety of sources (including electronic ones) as part of the practice of research: 2
demonstrate skills in close reading
: 1,2
demonstrate competence in academic writing: 1,2
develop and sustain critical arguments: 1,2
express themselves in clear and grammatical written English: 1,2
demonstrate an understanding of the conventions of academic citation: 2

Study hours

Lectures (12 hours)
Small group classes (12 hours)
Whole cohort live sessions (12 hours)
Seminar preparation and private study (83 hours)
Formative exercise preparation and writing (10 hours)
Final essay preparation and writing (20 hours)
Individual consultation and feedback with tutor (1 hour)

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Short Paper weighted 30%
Short written exercise (1000 words)
Close reading exercise. Students will be asked to choose a passage of prose or poetry taken from texts studied on the module and perform a close reading. Through this, they will demonstrate their understanding of both content and formal features, and show their ability to develop a sustained argument. This assignment will be 1000 words (+/- 10%).

2: Essay weighted 70%
1500-word essay
Students will choose from a choice of questions and will write an essay based on two of the module's set texts, for which they will be required to show their awareness of secondary criticism as well as developing an original academic argument. They will also be expected to show their ability to reference correctly and follow all the usual conventions for presentation and formatting.