ENL-90016 - Essay Writing for University Study
Coordinator: Suzanne Heaton Tel: +44 1782 7 33293
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733960

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

Why is writing essays so important at university? What¿s the `right¿ way to write them? Should I give my opinion? What do tutors want? How can I be sure I¿m not plagiarising? How do I get started? This module will help you develop the key thinking, writing, editing, researching and referencing skills you will need for your degree studies, and help you gain confidence in your own ability to plan and write university-level essays clearly and with purpose. Interactive lectures combine with small group practical sessions, individual guidance and a wealth of online and additional resources to provide you with a step-by-step practical approach to essay writing that students have described as; essential to my success in other modules; extremely helpful; and very useful... well presented, with all the content I needed to improve my academic writing.

This module aims to enhance students' abilities and confidence with the key thinking, planning, researching, writing, editing and referencing skills needed for the preparation of university undergraduate essays. The structure of the module and its assessments are designed to additionally assist students in building their skills in seeking and making use of feedback; collaborative working; dealing with conflicting information, ideas and data; independent, critical thinking and analysis; self-reflection and autonomous learning.

Intended Learning Outcomes


Study hours

Lectures: 10 hours
Seminars: 10 hours
Independent learning: 130 hours, including feedback tutorial

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 30%
Weekly Portfolio Tasks/Worksheets (8)
Each 'portfolio task' focusses on an essay-preparation micro-skill introduced in the weekly lecture, for example, referencing and citation, writing a thesis statement, editing written work, ensuring essay cohesion. Portfolio tasks are begun in the weekly tutorial sessions, completed at home and reviewed as needed in the following week's tutorial prior to submission.

2: Essay weighted 50%
1,200-word Essay
First draft of 1,000-word essay (+/- 10%) on a discipline-specific topic set by the tutor. Essay question and resources provided. Essay plan must be prepared and submitted with essay.

3: Essay weighted 20%
1,200-word essay
Final draft of 1,200-word essay (+/- 10%) on a discipline-specific topic set by the tutor. Students must attend feedback session prior to submitting final draft.