HRM-10007 - Foundations of Human Resource Management
Coordinator: Sunday Adebola Tel: +44 1782 7 33425
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 4
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

This introductory module allows students to test their wish to study Human Resource Management (HRM) in levels 5 and 6. For those who do not continue, it will offer a grounding in the elements of HRM as a key function of business and management. For those who do continue, the module indicates the areas of future study, and outlines key thinking in HRM. It addresses individual and collective issues, and lays the groundwork for the understanding of the key theoretical bases, which will underpin their future study in HRM.

- To introduce students to the fundamentals of human resource management, and the different approaches to the study and practice of human resource management.
- To enable students to critically analyse the employment relationship and the key perspectives on employment relations.
- To provide students with opportunities to engage with topical challenges in the management of contemporary issues in HRM including international human resource management (IHRM).

Intended Learning Outcomes

Explain the meaning of the term 'human resource management' (HRM) and describe the historical development of HRM: 1
Examine the key models underpinning the study of HRM: 1
Explain the nature of the employment relationship: 1
Identify and compare the main perspectives in the study of employment relations: 1,2
Evaluate contemporary issues in HRM (such as managing diversity in the employment relationship, employee wellbeing and work-life balance etc.).: 1,2
Examine the main issues involved in 'international human resource management' (IHRM) including the influence of globalization on IHRM and the factors that influence the transfer of HRM practices.: 1,2

Study hours

12 hours of lectures
10 hours of tutorial-based group work
30 hours of tutorial preparation (including group work)
30 hours of essay preparation
30 hours of exam preparation
38 hours of private study

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Essay weighted 50%
1,500 word essay
This assessment will relate to the 2nd theme of the module. It is expected to be diagnostic as well as summative, allowing tutors to identify poor essay-writing skills and refer for remedial work. This is part of a continuous process within the school.

2: Open Book Examination weighted 50%
2 hour examination
The exam paper will be made available to students 1 week (7 days) before the date of the exam. Tutor assistance with exam preparation will be available before the exam paper is released, but not afterwards. The exam will be in two parts, with a compulsory question in the first part and a choice of questions in the second part, of which two must be attempted (3 answers in total).