LAW-30091 - Gender, Sexuality & Law
Coordinator: Martha M Gayoye Tel: 07543724306
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733218

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

Module overview: This module will introduce you to issues relating to gender, sexuality and law. There is particular research strength in this field of scholarship within the School. The module will approach questions of gender and sexuality from historical, theoretical and law reform perspectives which will provide you with tools to help you make sense of law and its contemporary and historical operations.
Module content: The module will consider a number of concrete examples of social and legal struggle around issues of gender and sexuality. Thus you will examine the medico-legal regulation of trans people; queer childhood sexuality, LGBTQI refugees and asylum claims, the regulation of gender in prison, and the clash of rights between sexual orientation and religious faith. You will also consider judgment writing from feminist/queer perspectives. That is, the module will pose, and invite you to try to answer, the question: what might a legal judgment look like if re-written according to feminist and/or queer principles?
Module delivery: will be by a team and be part lecture/part tutorial in format. That is, you will be provided with an overview for each class followed by a discussion of the relevant issues in which you will be encouraged to participate.
Module Assessment: will take the form of an independent research essay of 4,000 words, to be selected from a choice of four essays. You will be provided with feedback on a 500 word plan of your essay.
Research-led teaching: the GSL module is taught by staff who are at the cutting edge of GSL research in the UK and internationally. They regularly intervene politically in a series of debates around GSL issues. By way of example, listen to two recent interviews, one with Dr Sen Raj and the other, Professor Alex Sharpe:

1. to introduce students to the concepts of gender and sexuality.
2. to enable students to develop a critical perspective on the relationship between gender, sexuality and the law.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

critically analyse the role law plays in the regulation of gender and sexuality: 1
apply theoretical knowledge to a series of 'concrete' socio-legal issues: 1
develop independent research and writing skills through completion of a research essay: 1
demonstrate a critical and evaluative understanding of sexual and gender dimensions of law/legal studies: 1

Study hours

10 x 2 hours seminars = 20 hours
seminar prep = 40 hours
Independent research (reading, preparation & writing) = 90 hours
Total: 150 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Essay weighted 100%
Research-based essay
A choice of essay questions will be provided. Students will be required to engage critically with the course materials and to conduct independent research. Word limit: 3,000 words (excluding footnotes).