LSC-30026 - Case Studies in Biomedical Sciences
Coordinator: Anne C Loweth Room: N/A Tel: +44 1782 7 33054
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2021/22


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2021/22

This module aims to give you an understanding of the UK health trends and the factors that affect these trends. Through clinical case studies and small group tutorials, you will explore why the UK has some of the highest incidences of certain diseases and conditions in Europe and consider what factors contribute to making them some of the most common and/or rising health problems faced by this country. This will include understanding the relevant socioeconomic factors as well as understanding the bioscience of the disease process and its diagnosis and management. You will also focus on what is being done by Government and the NHS to tackle these major health problems.

To gain an appreciation via problem-based learning, of the major health issues affecting the UK.
To study a sample of these to understand the disease process or condition and the pathology tests associated with it, with regard to recent developments in its diagnosis and/or management, and to consider the range of factors that contribute to making them some of the most common and/or rising health problems faced by this country.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

critically discuss the science underpinning the diseases and conditions encountered in the scenarios: 1
critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data to make judgments on reasons behind disease prevalence in the UK NHS: 1

Study hours

Scheduled learning (17h tutorials): 17 h
Self-directed study: 133h

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Open Book Examination weighted 100%
Online open book exam
The paper will be released on KLE as a Word document at 9am on the morning of the exam. Students will complete 2 essays from a choice of 3. Students should answer each question using Word, clearly labelling each question as they provide their answers. Work will be submitted to Turnitin no later than 5pm on the day of release. International students will be asked to notify the School if they need an extension due to different time zones. Although students have been given significant time to complete this exam script, we expect most students to spend no more than 2 hrs. Answers should be as accurate and concise as possible. Typical answers would be in the range of 500-750 words per question. We recommend that students do not exceed 750 words per essay-based question as we will be assessing the quality of the answer, not the quantity.